Defend Palestine action calls for boycott, Benjamin Netanyahu's arrest

CNN Indonesia – June 9, 2024
Defend Palestine action at Horse Statue in Central Jakarta – June 9, 2024 (CNN)

Jakarta – A protest action to defend Palestine at the Horse statue in Central Jakarta on Monday June 9 managed to collect as much as 388 million rupiah in donations for Palestine.

"The donations at the moment have reached 388 million rupiah", said the event coordinator at the location. This figure was collected after the action had proceeded for three hours. In the first hour of the protest, the donations totaled 46 million rupiah.

CNN Indonesia has tried to confirm with the action committee whether the total amount of the donations had increased by the time of writing this article but has not received a response.

During the action today at the Horse Statue, the Defend Palestine Indonesian People's Alliance strongly condemned Israel's aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The protesters made several points in their demands including a commitment to boycott Israel and its allies and for a free and sovereign Palestine.

They also called for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials to be arrested for the war crimes they have committed.

"We urged the ICJ [International Court of Justice] to immediately arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials and declare him a war criminal subject to the heaviest legal sentence", shouted the protesters.

Then, the action participants strongly condemned Israel's aggressive actions in Palestine that have claimed many victims since the war broke out on October 7, 2023. To this day, more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed and 80,000 others injured.

In addition to this, they also asked the Indonesian government to send military assistance to the Gaza Strip.

"We support and urge the Indonesian government to as soon as possible initiate and invite other countries, especially members of the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), to send military assistance", asserted the protesters. (pra/pra)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Massa Aksi Bela Palestina di Monas Kumpulkan Donasi Rp388 Juta".]

