Thousands rally in Jakarta to support Palestine, murdered Hamas leader

CNN Indonesia – August 3, 2024
Thousands of protesters rally in front of US Embassy in Jakarta – August 3, 2024 (CNN)

Jakarta – Thousands of demonstrators from various social organisations held an action in front of the US Embassy in Central Jakarta on Saturday July 3 in solidarity with Palestine and to protest the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran

The demonstrators who attended the rally brought a number of campaign materials in support of Palestine such as Palestinian flags, posters with pictures of Haniyah, keffiyeh scarves and head bands with pictures of the Palestine flag.

The protesters also expressed solidarity with the many journalists who have died in Gaza by bringing photographs of the dead journalists.

During the demonstration, the protesters brought prayer mats and held a salat ghaib (prayer for the deceased) for the late Haniyeh.

Expel US Embassy

As well as expressing solidarity with Palestine and Haniyeh, the demonstrators also asked the Indonesian government to expel the US Embassy from Indonesia.

The call began with a speech by the Indonesian Ulema Council's (MUI) head of Foreign Relations and Cooperation, Sudarnoto, who asked the demonstrators if they agreed that the US representative in Indonesia should be expelled because the US often assists Israel in slaughtering the Palestinian people.

"I want to ask you sisters and brothers, do you agree sisters and brothers with expelling the American Embassy from Jakarta?", said Sudarnoto in his speech.

The question was responded to by screams and yells that reverberated from the crowd calling for the US Embassy be expelled. "Expel, expel, expel!", screamed the protesters.

Sudarnoto responded to this by issuing an ultimatum to US President Joe Bidan and his officials demanding that they stop providing support to Israel.

He warned that even larger protest actions would be held if the ultimatum is not headed by senior officials from the country of Uncle Sam.

"Oh American, oh American President Joe Biden, as well as his aides and successor, don’t ever provide support to Israel, stop your support for Israel slaughtering our sisters and brothers in Palestine", he said.

"If you still help Israel then we will launch a movement that is even more massive", he added.

As a result of the demonstration, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan in the direction of the Jakarta Town Hall and Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan in the direction of Gambir train station were closed off.

A number of police officers could be seen on guard at the location and directing traffic. (mab/vws)

[Abridged translation by James Balowski based on two articles by CNN Indonesia on August 3. The original title of the lead article was "Ribuan Orang Demo Dukung Gaza dan Ismail Haniyeh di Depan Kedubes AS".]

