Riang Karunianidi and Dipo Negoro – The first one hundred days of the administration of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka has already given us a picture of how this regime will run in the future.
Documents containing the term 'Navy'

President Prabowo Subianto has now led Indonesia for 100 days.

Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Dani Prabowo, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) recorded 12 incidents of violence committed by members of the TNI (Indonesian Military) in the first 100 days of the administration of President

As reported on its website, the Batam Free Trade Zone Authority (BP Batam) held a coordination meeting with the Wira Pratama 033 Sub-Regional Military Command (Korem) on Monday January 13.

Woman with children: Please save us Mr!

Shela Octavia, Dani Prabowo, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid says that security forces and law enforcement officials who are negligent resulting in the death of civilians must face criminal punishments, not just ethical sanction

Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Dani Prabowo, Jakarta – The Indonesian Military Headquarters (Mabes TNI) has deployed soldiers from 351 District Military Commands (Kodim), 14 main Navy bases (Lantamal) and 41 Airforce bases (Lanud) to support th

Theo Kelen, Jayapura – The Indonesian government is considered to not be serious about resolving the armed conflict in Papua. An approach of peaceful dialogue must continue to be encouraged as an effort to resolve the conflict in Papua, but the government has ignored this.

Pes Yanengga, Jayapura – The All-Papua Student Executive Council (BEM Se-Tanah Papua) Alliance has urged the Papua Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) and the Manokwari Municipal Police (Polresta) to immediately reveal the perpetrator of the shooting of the senior advocate and human rights activist

Jakarta – A number of organisations that make up the Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform have condemned the shooting of senior Papuan advocate and human rights activists Yan Christian Warinussy.

Jakarta – A number of organisations that are part of the Papua Human Rights and Law Enforcement Coalition have condemned the shooting of senior advocate and human rights activist Yan Christian Warinussy in Manokwari, West Papua, on Wednesday afternoon, July 17.

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform is asking the House of Representatives (DPR) to cancel deliberations on revisions to Law Number 34/2004 on the Indonesian Military (TNI).

Satia, Medan – An online journalist, Sukandi Ali, suffered serious injuries after being abducted from his home and assaulted by three Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) officers in North Maluku.

Sharon Muller – On Friday March 22, a video circulated of TNI (Indonesian military) soldiers torturing of a civilian in Papua. In the video, the victim is submerged in a drum filled with water with his hands tied behind his back. The victim was alternately beaten and kicked by the TNI members.

Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has revealed that it found 59 incidents of violence committed by the members of the TNI (Indonesian military) between October 2022 and September 2023.

Jakarta – Indonesia's 5th President and chairperson of the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Megawati Sukarnoputri, has expressed criticism over the problems in Papua that are never settled.

Irfan Kamil, Jakarta – The II-08 Jakarta Military Tribunal has handed down prison sentences and dismissed three more rogue TNI (Indonesian military) personnel who were proven to have indulged in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) practices.

Jakarta – The Jakarta II-08 Military Tribunal has handed down prison sentences and dismissed two TNI (Indonesian military) sergeants in separate Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) cases.

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Navy Chief of Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono has explicitly stated that the Navy will dismiss any personnel from the service if it is proven that they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy human rights and security sector researcher Ikhsan Yosarie is urging the government to use a soft approach in dealing with the conflict in Papua.