Man: It's time to fix it Mr!
Displaying 51-60 of 120 Articles
May 2016
Selfy Momongan (Magang), Jakarta – The recent raids against Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) related paraphernalia and books have attracted the special attention of the National Library (Perpusnas) with acting Perpusnas head Dedi Junaedi supporting the censorship of books containing leftist ideas.
Man: You need a draft law against extraordinary violence!
Kid: But you're too busy with political laws to stymie your opponents right Mr...
Amid reports of rampant sexual violence against women and girls, women's rights activists are calling on lawmakers to bring forward deliberations on a sexual violence bill to ensure legal protection for those who fall victim to sexual abuse.
Jakarta, Indonesia – The government sponsored national symposium on 1965 was held in April although reverberations over the forum, which for the first time brought together victims and perpetrators of the bloody 1965 tragedy, are still being felt to this day.
Jakarta – The owners of books related to communism have been asked to hand them over the government. According to Defense Minister retired General Ryamizard Ryacudu, prohibitions on such material also covers documents circulating on the internet.
Jakarta – Retired Indonesian military (TNI) officers are planning to organise an anti-PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) symposium on July 2. The anti-PKI symposium is aimed at countering the government sponsored symposium on the 1965 tragedy in April.
Dieqy Hasbi Widhana – Following the 1965 International People’s Tribunal (IPT65) in The Hague and the National Symposium on the 1966 Tragedy in Jakarta, there has been widespread arrests of people for using hammer-and-sickle symbols.
Jakarta – Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace chairperson Hendardi believes that the recent spate of propaganda about the rise of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), which is being linked to activities such as film screenings, discussions and book publications, is in fact aimed at creating a negative influence on government efforts to res
Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) labour activist Iswan Abdullah A Siata is paying close attention to the communist movement that has begun to reemerge in Indonesia of late.