Labour & Migrant Workers

Displaying 1-10 of 11 Articles

December 2004

Tempo Interactive – December 21, 2004

Ramidi, Jakarta – Around 500 members of the United Workers’ Alliance held an action in front of the State Palace on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat on Tuesday December 21 to protest against wage policies and fuel price increases.

Tempo Interactive – December 8, 2004

Suryani Ika Sari, Jakarta – Trade unions and labour groups from the United Workers’ Alliance have demonstrated at the Jakarta Provincial Council building demanding to meet with the Jakarta governor, Sutiyoso, and calling on the governor to repeal Govenoral Decree Number 2515/2004 which sets the provincial minimum wage at 711,843 rupiah per month

Tempo Interactive – December 6, 2004

Jakarta – On December 7, around 500 trade union members from the United Workers’ Alliance held a demonstration in front of the offices of the Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD) in Jakarta on Jalan Kebon Sirih Central Jakarta.

News/Indonesia – December 4, 2004

Chaidir Anwar Tanjung, Pekanbaru – On Saturday November 4, more than 5000 workers from the Indonesian Workers Metal Federation (Federasi Buruh Metal Indonesia, FBMI) went on strike demanding that the government of Riau province revise the minimum regional wage level.

November 2004

News/Indonesia – November 10, 2004

Meriam Debora, Jakarta – The United Worker Alliance (Aliansi Buruh Bersatu, ABB) says it has rejected the new provincial minimum wage (UMP) increase for Jakarta to 711,843 rupiah because the amount is less that the minimum cost of living in Jakarta which is as high as 759,953 rupiah per month.

Tempo Interactive – November 4, 2004

Suryani Ika Sari, Jakarta – The debate on the Jakarta provincial minimum wage (UMP) continues. In a meeting which was held by the Provincial Council for Wage Affairs this afternoon, Thursday November 11, employers and the Jakarta provincial government agreed to a UMP of 711,000 rupiah per month.

August 2004

News/Indonesia – August 24, 2004

Niken Widya Yunita, Jakarta – Are you a woman? A worker? Have you experienced sexual harassment in the work place? If the answer is yes you are not alone. It is estimated that 90 per cent of women workers have been victims of sexual harassment in the work place.

May 2004

Tempo Interactive – May 1, 2004

Jakarta – Around 1,000 workers from scores of different organisations demonstrated in front of the national parliament in Jakarta on Saturday May 1. During the action, the workers shouted and listened to a series of speeches by a number of labour activists.

Tempo Interactive – May 1, 2004

Istiqomatul Hayati, Jakarta – Thousands of workers came out into the streets to commemorate May Day on Saturday May 1.

April 2004

News/Indonesia – April 18, 2004

M Ilham, Jakarta – The United Opposition Front (Barisan Oposisi Bersatu, BOB) and the Indonesian Trade Union Action Committee (Komite Aksi Serikat Buruh Indonesia, KASBI) are calling for a national strike on May 1 to coincide with May Day. According to Anwar M.