Political Parties & Elections

Displaying 981-988 of 988 Articles

July 2003

Kompas – July 31, 2003

Jakarta -- The People’s Democratic Party (PRD) has rejected holding general elections in Aceh for as long as the military emergency in Tanah Rencong [Aceh] continues.

Kompas – July 28, 2003

Jakarta -- The Indonesian National Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI), the National Student League for Democracy (LMND), the National Farmers Union (STN) and 53 other mass organisation have established a new party, the People’s United Opposition Party (Partai Persatuan Oposisi Rakyat, Popor), which was launched in Jakarta on Sunday (27/7).

Liputan6.com – July 28, 2003

Jakarta -- Scores of mass organisations, workers, farmers and pro-reformasi students have formed the People’s United Opposition Party (Partai Persatuan Oposisi Rakyat, Popor).

Jawa Pos – July 15, 2003

Rony Panengah, Jakarta -- If there are no obstacles, another political party will soon be born. What’s interesting is that this political party represents opposition forces which to date have chosen to take there struggle into the streets.

Detik.com – July 14, 2003

Suwarjono, Jakarta -– As many as 16 opposition groups plan to form a new party to participate in the 2004 general elections. Among them are the People’s Democratic Party (PRD) and the Indonesian Front for Labour Struggle (FNPBI).

June 2003

LMND – June 30, 2003

[The following is a translation of a statement by the national executive of the National Student League for Democracy (LMND) in response to the resignation of a number of regional leadership members on June 20, 2003.]

Viva liberation!

Kompas – June 13, 2003

Jakarta -- The popularity of the large political in the lead-up to the 2004 general elections is continuing to decline in the eyes of the public. People believe that the political parties don’t care about the future and the interests of ordinary people, they are egotistic and the elite are constantly squabbling.

March 2003

Liputan 6 – March 2, 2003

Semarang -- Based on intelligence data, there are presently 10,000 ex-political prisoners from the categories A, B and C across Central Java/Yogyakarta, who have established political parties.