Sign reads "Arrivals terminal".
Writing next to healthcare worker reads "Hope for the best, prepare for the worse!".
With three confirmed cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, and given our knowledge about its virality and the struggle of many countries facing hundreds or even thousands of new cases each day, why is our government reluctant to take the steps necessary to prevent its spread?
Officials in charge of the country's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic are making the right noise about the possibility of Omicron triggering a third wave in Indonesia, but they do not appear to be willing to walk their own talk.
An earlier plan to impose tighter restrictions on social mobility nationwide during the coming long Christmas and New Year holiday has been scrapped. Instead, tighter restrictions will be imposed case by case in provinces and regencies. And rather than imposing travel bans, the government is limiting itself to making public appeals to postpone all travel during the holiday...
From a Jakarta Post editorial on December 22 titled Shouldn't we hit the brakes again?.
The full article can be read here: https://www.thejakartapost.com/opinion/2021/12/21/shouldnt-we-hit-the-brakes-again.html