Agus Rahmat, Banda Aceh – A gay couple who were caught in a boarding house by local residents were sentenced to caning at the Sari Park in the Acehnese provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Thursday February 27. Before the sentence was carried out, they were first given a sermon by a religious teacher.
February 2025
Banda Aceh – A gay couple with the initials AI and DA, who were caught having sex in a raid by local residents at a boarding houses in Banda Aceh, Aceh province, have been sentenced to be flogged.
Banda Aceh – The prosecution in a case of a gay couple caught having sex at a boarding house in Syiah Kuala district, Banda Aceh city, has demanded that the pair be sentenced to 100 lashes.
January 2025
Agus Setyadi, Jogja – Two men in the Acehnese provincial capital of Banda Aceh were caught having sexual relations after local residents broke into their boarding house room. The gay couple had previously arranged to meet to do a college assignment.
August 2024
Jakarta – A Regional Representatives Council (DPD) member form Aceh, Sudirman Haji Uma, has written to Jakarta Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief (Kapolda) Inspector General Karyoto requesting that a transgender beauty contest held recently at a hotel in Central Jakarta be investigated.
Thomas Rizal, Jakarta – The chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council's (MUI) division for proselytising and fraternal affairs, KH M Cholil Nafis, believes that the contestants who took part in a transgender beauty contest at a hotel in the Sawah Besar area of Central Jakarta on Sunday Au
Zul Akhyar, Banda Aceh – The Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) in Indonesia's northern-most province of Aceh has strongly condemned the Miss Beauty Star Indonesia 2024 transgender beauty contest that was held at the Orchardz Industri Hotel Grand Ballroom in Central Jakarta on August 4.
Aceh – The Aceh Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) has rejected Government Regulation (PP) Number 28/2024 on Health, one of the points being that it regulates the provision of contraception for school-aged children.
July 2024
Haryudi, Aceh – The National Statistics Agency (BPS) recently released surprising data about rape cases in Indonesia. Based on the report Criminal Statistics 2023 issued by the BPS, Aceh emerged as the province with the highest number of rape cases in 2023.
May 2024
Naufal Habibi, Banda Aceh – Scores of protesters from the Aceh Workers Alliance (ABA) gave speeches at the Simpang Lima traffic circle in the Achenese provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Wednesday May 1.
December 2023
Jakarta – Civil society activists from a cross-section of organisations suspect that there is a major effort on social media to spread disinformation or false narratives in order to trigger opposition to Rohingya refugees in Indonesia's northern-most province of Aceh.
Krisiandi, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia says that the Indonesian government will violate human rights if it repatriates Rohingya refugees to their country of origin, Myanmar
July 2023
Riang Karunianidi – The government has demolished the remains of the Geudong House (Rumoh Geudong) in Pidie regency, Aceh. The building was used as an interrogation and torture centre during the armed conflict in Aceh.
June 2023
Dian Erika Nugraheny, Jakarta – A victim of the Kertas Kraft Aceh pulp and paper mill in Aceh massacre, known as Simpang KKA, Samsul Bahri, said he hopes that the government will continue to pursue legal or judicial means to settle the 12 cases of past
Jakarta – The remains of the Geudong House (Rumoh Geudong) in Pidie regency, Aceh, where gross human rights abuses were committed when Aceh was declared a military operational area (DOM), have been flattened to the ground ahead of a visit by President Jok
Aceh – The Central Aceh Transitional Committee (KPA), which is a forum for former Free Aceh Movement (GAM) combatants, firmly opposes the demolition of the Geudong House (Rumoh Geudong) building which is a s
March 2023
Jakarta – Aceh's traditional leader (Wali Nanggroe Aceh), Tgk Malik Mahmud Al Haytar, has handed over data on 5,000 cases of human rights violations that occurred in Aceh province to the central government through Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD.
October 2022
Mohammad Arief Hidayat and Dani Randi (Banda Aceh) – The chairperson of the Acehnese Regional House of Representatives' (DPR Aceh) Commission V for Health Affairs, M Rizal Falevi, has proposed a draft qanun (bylaw) legalising cannabis for medical use so it can be included in the 2023 priority Regional Legislation Program (Prolegda).
July 2022
Jakarta – The Aceh representative office of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) says that it has handed over three alleged cases of gross human rights violations which occurred in Tanah Rencong – as Aceh is known – to Attorney General ST Burhanuddin.
June 2021
Hardani Triyoga and Dani Randi, Banda Aceh – Banda Aceh Public Order Agency officers (Satpol PP) and the Wilayatul Hisbah (Religious police, WH) have sealed off two beauty salons in Seutui and Lamseupeng which were being used for deviant homosexual practices.