Anti-military demonstrators tear down gates of governor’s office

Source – May 13, 2004
Students and workers protest at State Grahadi building in Surabaya (Tribune)
Students and workers protest at State Grahadi building in Surabaya (Tribune)

Budi Sugiharto, Surabaya – A demonstration opposing presidential candidates from [former President Suharto’s state ruling party] Golkar and the military on Thursday May 13 ended in demonstrators tearing down the main eastern gate of the State Grahadi Building on Jalan Gubernur Suryo in Surabaya (East Java) and forcing their way into the grounds of the building.

The incident occurred at around 1.30pm when around 300 demonstrators from the United Democratic People’s Front (Front Demokrasi Rakyat Bersatu) tried to tear down the entrance gate. After several attempts, demonstrators shouted and danced with joy after in the strongly built gates finally collapsed.

Although demonstrators tore down the gates they were not hindered by police or security guards. The single platoon of police which were present just watched. Only after demonstrators tried to enter the grounds did the head of the South Surabaya police, Alex Sampe, and the head of the civil service police, P.P. Sutartip, initiate negotiations with leaders of the demonstration.

The police then gave the demonstrators permission to enter on the condition that they would have only 20 minutes and would do no further damage. Demonstrators used the 20 minutes to read a statement and people’s pledge which opposed presidential candidates from Golkar and the military.

Sampe denied that they had just let demonstrators behave destructively. “We tried to act persuasively. You can see who is being anarchistic. We will be asking that responsibility for the damage [be taken] by the coordinator of the action”, he explained. (gtp)

[Translated by James Balowski.]
