New left alliance in Yogyakarta launches street petition campaign

Harian Jogya – April 27, 2012
Pembebasan students protest fuel price hikes in Yogyakarta - March 26, 2012 (Tempo)
Pembebasan students protest fuel price hikes in Yogyakarta - March 26, 2012 (Tempo)

Akhirul Anwar/JIBI, Jogja – Scores of people from the United People’s Committee (KBR) held an action in front of the Beringharjo Market on Jl. Ahmad Yani in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on the afternoon of Friday April 27.

The protesters brought a banner with the message: “Plenary Meeting: Lies, the price of fuel and staple goods will still go up, people of Indonesia, let’s unite and seize power for prosperity”, referring to the House of Representatives meeting last month that postponed the planned fuel price hikes.

They also brought ballot boxes to collect the results of a people’s survey on the planned fuel price hikes, the restrictions on subsidised fuel use and increases in basic goods as a flow on from the fuel price increase policy. Around 4,000 people have filled out the questioners.

Based on the results of the survey, as many as 164 Yogyakartans support the planned fuel price hike and restrictions on the use of subsidised fuel. The numbers that disagree however was much higher, around 3,832 people or around 96 percent of respondents.

KBR spokesperson Zuleyadi explained that they have been distributing the questionnaires since April 11. The other locations that have been picked out include the Malioboro shopping district, the regencies of Bantul and Sleman and a number of factories. (ali)


The United People’s Committee (Komite Rakyat Bersatu, KBR) is new alliance of left groups in Yogyakarta that was formed following the nation-wide protest actions that forced the government to delay a 33 percent fuel price hike planned for April 1. The three main groups in the KBR are the People’s Liberation Party (PPR), the Working People’s Association-Organisational Saviours Committee (KPO-PRP, a 2011 split from PRP) and United Indonesian Struggle (PPI). Also supporting the alliance is the Free Women National Committee (KNPM), the Political Union of the FIXX Poor (PPRM), the Student Struggle Center for National Liberation (Pembebasan), the United Indonesian Labour Movement (PPBI), the Yogyakarta Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance Confederation (SPCI, PPW SBJR, SP-SCE) and the Yogyakarta Student Action Front (FAM-J). The KRB is planning a series of coordinated actions on May Day.

[Komite Rakyat Bersatu: 164 Warga Jogja Dukung Kenaikan Harga BBM – Harian Jogja. Jumat, 27/4/2012. Translated by James Balowski.]
