National Awakening Day rally accuses Jokowi of relying on political elite

Citra Indonesia – May 20, 2015
PPRI demonstrate at State Palace in Central Jakarta - May 20, 2015 (Citra)
PPRI demonstrate at State Palace in Central Jakarta - May 20, 2015 (Citra)

Jakarta – Indonesian People’s United Resistance (PPRI) spokesperson Surya Anta believes that the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is one that relies on the interests of the political elite so it cannot take Indonesia in a better direction.

“Change cannot be carried out by relying on the political elite, but must be built together with people’s power, because it is the people who put Jokowi in the presidency”, he said during a break in a demonstration in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Wednesday May 20.

Anta said that he very much regrets the policies of the Widodo administration that are far from what had been expected, whether they be in economic, social, political or legal. Moreover during his term the KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) has been weakened, while economic growth in the first quarter of 2015 has only been 4.71 percent, and the exchange rate of the rupiah has hit 13,000 to the US dollar.

“Because of this therefore we are calling for the corruptors to be arrested, tried and jailed immediately, and their wealth seized because they are inflicting financial losses on the state and bring suffering to the people”, he said angrily.

Anta recalled that Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno, once warned that the struggle of the Indonesian nation is to fight for their own nation. “Their own nation, what is that? [For the political elite] it is selling off [the country’s] natural resources (to foreigners)!”, he asserted.

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was PPRI: Jokowi Bersandar pada Elit Partai.]

