Yogya rally demands end to US blockade, economic war against Venezuela

Arah Juang – March 22, 2019
Global Solidarity Day for Venezuela in Yogyakarta – March 18, 2019 (Arah Juang)
Global Solidarity Day for Venezuela in Yogyakarta – March 18, 2019 (Arah Juang)

On the afternoon of Monday March 18, scores of people from various different groups held a protest action at the Yogyakarta Monument in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta.

The action was held to mark the Global Day of Solidarity with Venezuela at a time when Venezuela is facing attempts at a coup d’etat by imperialist United States in collaboration with its allies. Simultaneous actions were also held in several other parts of the country.

During the action in Yogyakarta, the alliance brought a yellow coloured banner with the message “Global Day of Solidarity with Venezuela, End US Imperialist Intervention, Defend the Bolivarian Revolution”.

In addition to this the Socialist Study Circle (LSS) brought posters with the message “Reject the Coup D’etat, American Intervention and Military Invasion! Socialism as the Genuine Road to Venezuelan Liberation”.

In speeches the protesters strongly condemned the US’s coup d’etat attempts and called for Venezuela’s as sovereign nation to be free from intervention.

US intervention and coup attempts are nothing new. Over the last decade the people of Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Syria have suffered and been witness to the brutality of US intervention.

Even Indonesia has not been spared from the US’s evil which consumed millions of lives in the US backed 1965 anti-communist purge.

With the momentum of the Global Day of Solidarity with Venezuela, the protesters declared that they:

  • Oppose US imperialist intervention in Venezuela
  • Demand that the US immediately end the blockade and economic war against Venezuela
  • Call on the Indonesian mass media not to take part in spreading fake news about Venezuela which is propagated systematically and on a massive scale by the imperialist corporate media
  • Support the Venezuelan people who are defending themselves against US imperialism and sabotage by the right-wing opposition
  • Urge the Indonesian government to take a position of opposing US intervention in Venezuela and to support the administration of President Nicolas Maduro in its efforts to overcome the political crisis democratically and peacefully

The protesters also called on the ordinary Indonesian people to be concerned about and build solidarity with the struggle of the Venezuelan people against imperialist intervention by the US and its allies. (bd)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was “Merespon Hari Solidaritas Global untuk Venezuela, Beberapa Organisasi Menggelar Aksi di Tugu Yogyakarta”.]

Source: http://www.arahjuang.com/2019/03/22/merespon-hari-solidaritas-global-untuk-venezuela-beberapa-organisasi-menggelar-aksi-di-tugu-yogyakarta/
