Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta – The Labour Party has been officially registered as a political party with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).
Labour Party General Chairperson Said Iqbal said that they received a written notification of the decision (SK) from the ministry on Monday April 11.
"The Labour Party is officially and legally registered as a party with the Kemenkumham following the receipt of Menkumham SK Number M.HH-04.AH.11.03 2022", said Iqbal during a press conference on Monday broadcast on the YouTube channel Speak out Workers.
"The Labour Party will officially take part in the stages [required to be] an election participant with the issuance of the Menkumham SK", he continued.
Iqbal continued saying that the Labour Party has set the 2024 legislative elections as the next target to get its teeth into, after first making preparations to pass the General Elections Commission (KPU) verification process.
Currently, the party still has home work to do in order to fulfill several KPU requirements to take part in the elections, including having leadership boards in 50 percent of sub-districts. Currently they have only 36 percent.
Nevertheless, Iqbal and his colleagues are sure that they can meet the KPU's requirements before the registration deadline on August 1, 2022.
"First, the Labour Party declares it's ready to take part in the legislative election stage", said Iqbal.
He added that the party expects to be able to pass the parliamentary threshold required to gain a seats in national as well as regional parliaments.
"Meaning, the Labour Party will have representatives in the DPR [House of Representatives], provincial level DPRD [Regional Houses of Representatives] and regency and municipal DPRDs", said Iqbal who is also the president of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI).
[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Sah Terdaftar di Kemenkumham, Partai Buruh Targetkan Ikut Pemilu 2024".]