Workers protest at US Embassy, demand permanent end to Palestine-Israeli war

Source – December 21, 2023
Workers hold pro-Palestine demonstration in front of US Embassy in Jakarta – December 21, 2023 (Istimewa)

Muhammad Mutaqin, Jakarta – The Labour Party held a protest action in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 21 at which Labour Party president Said Iqbal called for an end to the Palestine-Israeli war and a permanent ceasefire.

"We strongly condemn all forms of violence and human rights violations that have been happening. This call is not just our call, but the call of the ordinary people who want peace", asserted Iqbal in front of the US Embassy on Thursday.

Said emphasised that his party will always stand for peace and justice.

"Today [we] firmly call for an immediate end to the prolonged conflict between Israel and Palestine. We believe that a peaceful solution is the only way to ensure a future that is secure and prosperous for both nations", said Iqbal.

So, explained Iqbal, workers are urging the US not to veto United Nations Security Council peace resolutions so that peace and Palestinian independence can be immediately realised.

"We support Palestinian independence and that peace be immediately realised", he asserted.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Geruduk Kedubes Amerika, Partai Buruh Serukan Hentikan Perang di Palestina".]

