Slamming trans beauty contest, MPU says if you don't like Islamic law in Aceh leave

Aceh Post – August 6, 2024
MPU Family and Proselytising Division Head Tgk H Umar Rafsanjani – Undated (Istimewa)

Zul Akhyar, Banda Aceh – The Ulama Consultative Assembly (MPU) in Indonesia's northern-most province of Aceh has strongly condemned the Miss Beauty Star Indonesia 2024 transgender beauty contest that was held at the Orchardz Industri Hotel Grand Ballroom in Central Jakarta on August 4.

The Banda Aceh MPU issued a strong criticism, in particular related to the presence of a transwoman wearing a sash with Aceh written on it. They also demanded accountability from the organisers related to permission for the event and the recommendation that a participant from Aceh attend the contest.

MPU Banda Aceh Proselytising and Family Division head Tgk H Umar Rafsanjani explicitly questioned the origin of the event, including who the organizers are and the committee that was involved.

"Aceh has rules for the application of Sharia Islam [Islamic law] which clearly prohibits and opposes the presence of and activities by LGBT [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people]", said Rafsanjani in the provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Tuesday August 6.

Rafsanjani also deeply regretted the presences of a participant who wore a sash with with the word Aceh on it at the event, which according to Rafsanjani very much goes against Islamic values and Qanun or regional regulations (Perda) that are in force in Aceh.

MPU urged the government to thoroughly investigate this case. The government is expected to summon the event organising committee and the LGBT community that was involved to be given guidance so that they realise that their actions have violated Islamic law that is applied in Aceh.

"Aceh's regulations and local wisdom must be respected. Do not take actions that can interfere with the harmony of the Acehnese community, especially by bearing the name of Aceh carelessly", he added.

He also stressed, to anyone who does not like the enforcement of Islamic Law in Aceh, that they are free to leave.

This firm statement was made in an effort to maintain the dignity and integrity of Aceh as an area that constantly implements Islamic law.

"If you don't like the Islamic law in Aceh, please get out of Aceh, whoever you are!", asserted Rafsanjani.

The MPU hopes that with the existence of decisive action from the government, similar incidents will not be repeated in the future. (Akhyar)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "MPU Banda Aceh Kecam Miss Beauty Star Indonesia 2024: Jika Tak Suka Syariat Islam, Silahkan Keluar!".]

