Amnesty calls for end to attacks on Rempang residents resisting Eco City project

Kompas TV – September 18, 2024
Rempang residents protesting at Batam Free Zone Authority office in Batam – August 23, 2023 (Tribune)

Jakarta – Intimidation and violence against the people of Rempang Island in the Riau Islands is still occurring.

Responding to the intimidation and violence against the communities defending their land, Amnesty International Indonesia Deputy Director Wirya Adiwena is asking the authorities to investigate the perpetrators of the violence and stop the intimidation.

"Intimidation and violence have once again disturbed the lives of Rempang residents, even though they still have strong memories of the violence committed by security forces a year ago on September 7, 2023, when residents were protesting the construction of the Rempang Eco City National Strategic Project (PSN)”, said Adiwena in a press release on Wednesday September 18.

"These acts of violence and intimidation not only show the government's failure to protect its citizens, but also show the ongoing repression of indigenous peoples who are fighting to defend their right to land from the threat of PSN development”, he added.

"We urge the authorities to immediately investigate and take firm legal action against the perpetrators of this violence and intimidation”, he said.

These repressive actions, he said, cannot be allowed to continue. The state should be present to protect the freedom of expression and living space of its citizens. Not to let them be oppressed.

"We also demand the cessation of the construction of the Rempang Eco City PSN which has been proven to be detrimental to the local indigenous community. The rights of indigenous peoples must be respected and protected from all types of threats and violence, they must also be meaningfully involved in development carried out on their land or territory”, he said.

Intimidated and assaulted by thugs

Credible Amnesty International sources at the Pekanbaru Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) and the National Solidarity Advocacy Team for Rempang revealed that the Rempang Island community were victims of intimidation and violence by dozens of pain clothed people on Wednesday.

Based on information gathered from residents by the Advocacy Team, the intimidation and violence experienced by Rempang Island residents occurred in the Sungai Bulu Village administration area in front of the road leading to Goba at around 10.45 WIB.

The incident began when the residents were keeping vigil at the mosque on the road leading to Goba and they were approached by a dozen people in plain clothes.

The group of then forced their way into the area guarded by residents and claimed it was their work area. The residents however stood their ground and remained on guard, and in the end suffered intimidation and violence.

Video documentation from local residents collected by the Advocacy Team highlighted the tension that occurred when representatives from the group of plain clothed people intimidated residents by shouting at the housewives who were on guard at the location.

The Advocacy Team also revealed that three residents were injured and dozens of others were assaulted.

One of the victims suffered a wound on their temple from being hit with a helmet and another suffered facial bruising after being hit with a piece of wood. Meanwhile, another victim, a woman, had her arm dislocated as a result of being pulled forcibly.

According to the Advocacy Team's monitoring, the intimidation and violence by the group of plain clothes people against the Rempang Island community is still continuing.

Previously, residents were also terrorised and campaign materials they were using to reject the Rempang Eco City project were damaged.

Many large-scale infrastructure projects designated as national strategic projects have had a serious impact on the lives of indigenous peoples, whose right to land, culture and local wisdom are often ignored.

Meanwhile indigenous communities who speak out critically against the government in fighting for their rights in agrarian conflicts often face attacks.

Prior to the latest incident on Rempang Island, Amnesty International Indonesia noted that from January 2019 to March 2024 there were at least eight cases of attacks on indigenous peoples with at least 90 victims, including criminalisation, intimidation and physical violence.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Amnesty Internasional: Hentikan Intimidasi ke Masyarakat Pulau Rempang, Selidiki Pelaku Kekerasan".]

