Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has reported the alleged doxing of ICW researcher Diky Anandya to the National Police (Polri) Criminal Investigations Directorate (Bareskrim) Cyber Crimes Unit.
The report submitted by ICW was received and registered as LP/B/17/I/2025/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri dated January 13, 2024. In its report, ICW said it believes that there had been a violation of Article 67 of the Personal Data Protection Law (UU PDP).
ICW researcher Tibiko Zabar said that the doxing occurred after Anandya expressed criticism of the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, after he was nominated as the most corrupt figure according to the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP).
"It would be naive if we said that there is no connection with ICW's comments regarding Jokowi's nomination as one of the most corrupt presidents based on the OCCRP", Zabar told reporters at the National Police (Polri) Criminal Investigations Directorate in South Jakarta on Monday January 13.
"Right after the statement from ICW, there was an immediate retaliatory action in the form of the disclosure of personal data", he added.
Zabar suspects that the disseminating of the personal data was deliberately done by certain parties to obscure the message or criticism delivered by Anandya as an ICW researcher.
"Why? We see this as a trend that often recurs, when civil society articulates criticism it is then met with doxing and other digital attacks", he explained.
In the report, ICW also included a number of related pieces of evidence, ranging from screenshots of the personal data disseminated on social media, the victim's population data, to the contents of threats against the victim via text messages.
Zabar said that this is because after the victim's personal data including contacts were disseminated, many messages with a threatening tone were received by the victim. He even said that not a few of the threats concerned the victim's life.
"We were also threatened with being killed and there were also intimidating words using harsh language that were made through unknown [phone] numbers", he said.
Nevertheless, he said that they did not specifically report any particular party as carrying out the doxing, just the incident involving the dissemination of the victim's personal data.
"We certainly did not focus on reporting a specific account or anything like that, but we included the doxing incident. Who owns the account that uploaded the content of our client's personal data, we think that's the investigator's domain", he said. (tfq/kid)
[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "ICW Laporkan Dugaan Doxing terhadap Peneliti ke Bareskrim Polri".]