Agus Supriyanto, Jakarta – Tristanti Mitayani, a parliamentary member of Commission I, says she disagrees with the deputy speaker of parliament, Soetardjo Suryogoeritno, who said that the parliament is demanding that government end negotiations with Free Aceh Movement (GAM).
According to Mitayani, there has been no decision or recommendation on terminating the negotiation by the commission and the statement was only made based on his own view and does not representative the all of the parliamentary fractions.
"Mr. Soetardjo is not competence to represent us and should wait until Commission I has taken a political position", parliamentary member Mitayani from the National Mandate Party told Tempo on Sunday June 5.
Mitayani said that Suryogoeritno's statement only represented his own fraction (the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle) and that from the beginning they wanted to stop the negotiation between the government and GAM.
"I didn't hear parliament (Commission I) demand an end to the negotiations. Why has such a different conclusion been drawn?", she said. According to Mitayani, debate in Commission I meanwhile has only now seriously questioned the government and asked it to set a dead line on the negotiations. "The government has to have a fully developed plan and a clearly consider the [aim of] negotiation," she said.
[Translated by Risna.]