Veronika Kusuma Wijayanti, Jakarta – In the lead up to the second anniversary since the murder of human rights activist Munir on September 7, police are being called on to question the former deputy head of the State Intelligence Agency Muchdi Purwoprajoyo. They are also being asked not to depend only on information from former Garuda Airlines pilot Pollycarpus Budihari Priyanto.
“We are disappointed by the statement by the national police chief that they are relying on Pollycarpus to follow up the Munir case”, said the head of the advocacy division of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) Orry Rahman after meeting with public relations officials at the national police headquarters on Jl. Trunojoyo in South Jakarta on Tuesday September 5.
In fact continued Rahman, the police cannot be afraid of summoning any person who can provide information on the case. “In district court’s verdict [in Pollycarpus’ trial] mentioned several names that should be followed up, including Prandjono and [two] Garuda staff who were already [named as] suspects. This must be followed up”, he asserted.
Prandjono he added has already given testimony at Pollycarpus’ trial however there needs to be another investigation. “The police have not yet incorporated the material recommendations of the [Munir] Fact Finding Team. We are asking the police to go to work again”, he added.
National police Chief General Sutanto had previously asked Pollycarpus to reveal the Munir’s killer saying that the key to the continuation of the investigation into the Munir case lies with Pollycarpus. (ndr)
[Translated by James Balowski.]