Rudy Prasetyo, Jakarta – Around 500 people from the Solidarity Alliance for Munir demonstrated at the national police headquarters in South Jakarta today. They were demanding that the police quickly solve the Munir case and guarantee protection to all human rights defenders.
“It would be better for Sutanto (the chief of police) to resign if it is not possible to solve the Munir case”, said Mugianto from the Indonesian Association of the Families of Missing Persons (Ikohi), which was greeted by cheers from Munir’s supporters.
A black colt pickup car complete with a loudspeaker and sound system became the stage for speeches. While listening to the speeches, demonstrators put up dozens of red banners and cartoons with brightly coloured messages such as “Uncover the mastermind behind Munir’s killer”, and “Who is Munir’s murderer”.
They also wore red shirts with the writing “Commemorating two years since the murder of Munir” on the front and “Munir was killed for being right” on the back.
The protesters also shouted and sung songs defending Munir’s struggle. “Enough, never again let there be those who disappear and die”, sang the protesters like a choir. After the demonstration at police headquarters they moved off to protest at the Supreme Court.
[Translated by James Balowski.]