Ahmad Masaul Khoiri, Jakarta – House of Representatives (DPR) Deputy Speaker Fadli Zon from Prabowo Subianto’s Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) has had frequent discussions with DPR colleagues and Indonesian Metal Workers Federation (FSPMI) chairperson Said Iqbal over the recent wave of mass layoffs.
Zon, as a representative of the people will fight for the interests of workers and employees.
“If [you our] friends come (to the DPR) there’s no need to demonstrate. We’ll open the DPR’s doors wide and roll out the red carpet [for you]. We want workers to be prosperous and affluent”, said Zon after opening the 5th Congress of the FSPMI at the Kelapa Gading Sports Mall in North Jakarta on Saturday February 6.
Attending the event was FSPMI chairperson Said Iqbal. Upon hearing Zon’s remarks, the thousands of workers present cheered and clapped.
The wave of mass layoffs (PHK) taking place recently is a threat to workers and the government is being called on not treat the matter lightly. “The government should not underestimate this problem because job opportunities are the right of all citizens. This is a constitutional mandate”, said Zon.
Zon is calling on the government to formulate policies that support decent wages with the aim of bringing prosperity to workers. “This congress is an opportunity, for [our] worker friends who are the correct ones to criticise policies that are not pro-people”, he said.
Society, he continued, want workers who are solid and strong. Because of this therefore, Zon hopes that the 5th Congress of the FSPMI will produce pro-people policies. “[In] Indonesia if workers are prosperous then the ordinary people are also prosperous. This represents the backbone of our industry”, said Zon.
The FSPMI Congress is being attended by thousands of workers, some of whom arrived after holding a protest action at the State Palace earlier this afternoon. (nwy/try)
[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was Di Kongres FSPMI, Fadli Zon: Buruh ke DPR Jangan Demo, Kita Gelar Karpet Merah.]