Jakarta military gets wind of ‘New Style Communists’ behind Buru Island film showing

Pos Kota – March 16, 2016
Authorities close down Buru Island film showing - May 6, 2016 (KPO-PRP Yogya)
Authorities close down Buru Island film showing - May 6, 2016 (KPO-PRP Yogya)

Jakarta – Signs of the rise or reemergence of communism in Indonesia termed New Style Communism (Komunisme Gaya Baru, KGB) is apparent in a variety of different forms.

The differences are found in their colour and quality. If in the past the most dominant approach used by communists was through violence and or killings, now however it is by a strategic approach through soft power.

Communism is active in all pillars of life including the legislative and executive and has crept into the midst of Indonesian society. KGB is also active in the political parties that tend to support the existence of communism.

In confronting such a situation, the Jakarta military command (Kodam Jaya) through its intelligence officers and regional commands is continuing to monitor all threats by this KGB, even though the methods they are currently using are concealed and masked as social activities. This method has resulted in society being lulled into a false sense of security and the view has spread that communist ideas are not dangerous.

The Jakarta military command is also endeavoring to provide socialisation, both internally as well as in social circles through Bintara Pembina Desa [Babinsa, village based non-commissioned officers], that the state ideology of Pancasila cannot be altered. All communities in Indonesia must continue to be united under Pancasila ideology which represents the identity of the Indonesian nation.

“Recently intelligence agents have gotten wind of signs of the reemergence of actions by New Style Communist groups through the planned activity of a film showing of the film Buru Island My Home Land”, said the Jakarta Military Command Intelligence Detachment Commander (Dan Den Intel).

According to information obtained by officers on the ground, the film showing of Buru Island My Home Land will be held on Wednesday March 17 at the Guest House Jalan Sam Ratulangi No. 9-5 in Menteng Central Jakarta at 5-8.30pm.

It is believed that the film will distort [historical] facts by relating how the state acted in a callous and inhuman manner in banishing citizens to Buru Island, with the aim of gaining sympathy from the common people, particularly the younger generation that do not yet have an understanding of or have directly heard stories about the brutality of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in 1965.

“We are trying to ensure that this event isn’t held, because if it is it will provoke a reaction from Ormas [social organisations] that oppose communism in Indonesia, which will end in a clash and harm many parties”, said the intelligence detachment commander.

Jakarta military command intelligence officers can be likened to eyes and ears that are on the lookout at all times to supervise all situational changes in an area and will always be on guard against all activities carried out by the KGB.

It also needs to be remembered that communists in Indonesia represent a latent threat that has never died out, but has simply changed its form and will continue to develop though new styles. Society very much needs to play a role in supporting the TNI (Indonesian military) in safeguarding the country’s sovereignty and the integrity of the NKRI (Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia) from the dangers of latent communism.

Because of this therefore, we as citizens of the state must assist one another in stemming the development of communist ideas in Indonesia. Remember, “THE COMMUNISTS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!”.


Buru Island My Home Land (Pulau Buru Tanah Air Beta) by renowned Dili-based film maker Rahung Nasution is about the journey of two ex-political prisoners accused of being affiliated with Indonesian Communist Party and interned on the notorious prison island Buru Island, who return to meet with other former political prisoners who still live there. The film tries to show the contribution of political prisoners who underwent forced labor there, turning the island into the main source of rice for East Indonesia.

[Translated by James Balowski for the Indoleft News Service. The original title of the report was Intelijen Kodam Jaya Endus Muncul Komunis Gaya Baru.]

Source: http://poskotanews.com/2016/03/16/intelijen-kodam-jaya-endus-muncul-komunis-gaya-baru/
