Tommy’s party claims those discrediting Suharto just want ban on PKI lifted

CNN Indonesia – December 8, 2018
Working Party Supreme Assembly member Badaruddin Andi Picunang (CNN)
Working Party Supreme Assembly member Badaruddin Andi Picunang (CNN)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The Working Party (Partai Berkarya) which is led by Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Suharto claims that the 2nd president of Indonesia, Suharto, was a pioneer in the eradication of corruption. It was Suharto who enacted Law Number 3/1971 on the Eradication of Corruption at the start of his administration.

“This signifies that his administration was serious about dealing with corruption in the fatherland”, said Working Party Supreme Assembly member Badaruddin Andi Picunang in a press release received by CNN Indonesia on Friday December 7.

Picunang dismissed accusations by political figures and historians who equate Suharto and his New Order regime – which was in power for 32 years – with corruption. According to Picunang corruption existed even before Indonesia became independent.

Moreover, said Picunang, corrupt practices are still rampant under the current administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. This can be seen from the frequent sting operations (OTT) carried out by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) against politicians and political parties.

“It has long been part of the culture, since the Dutch East Indies era. Not during the era of the H.M. Suharto administration he said.

Picunang claims that efforts to discredit Suharto are related to the TAP MPRS Number 25/1996 on the dissolution of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). They are coming from parties who want to revoke the TAP MPRS on the banning of the PKI.

According to Picunang, those in power during the New Order were the principle figures in the elimination of the PKI, before and after the TAP MPRS was enacted.

“There’s many people who haven’t moved on yet and still hold past grudges. We’re just focusing on the NKRI [Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia], everyone [should] think more positively from today and before this. Save the NKRI”, he said. (fra/wis)


Tap MPRS XXV/1966 – Provisional People’s Consultative Assembly Decree Number XXV/1966 on the Dissolution of the Indonesian Communist Party and Prohibitions on Marxist, Leninist and Communist Teachings.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was “Partai Berkarya Klaim Soeharto Pionir Pemberantasan Korupsi”.]

