30% of women think it's normal to be hit by husband for neglecting home duties

Kompas.com – February 8, 2022
Activists take part in Internatinoal Women's Day in Aceh – March 8,2019 (AFP)

Mutia Fauzia, Jakarta – The Ministry for the Empowerment of Women and Protection of Children (KPPPA) says that as many as 30 percent of women consider it normal to be hit by their husbands for being negligent in their home duties.

KPPPA Secretary Pribudiarta Nur Sitepu explained that this is one of the challenges in resolving cases of violence against women, particularly in relation to domestic violence (KDRT).

"The results of surveys show that 30 percent of women say, if I'm hit because I'm late giving food to the kids, cleaning the house [that's normal], this is considered normal by women themselves. This concept is actually what is our challenge", said Sitepu during a virtual discussion on Tuesday February 8.

Based on data from the KPPPA, there has been a rise in reports of cases of violence against women over the last three years. In 2021 the number of cases of violence against women reported through the KPPPA's Simfoni platform reached 10,368.

This represents a 19.32 percent increase compared with 2020 when there were as many as 8,763 cases. Meanwhile in 2019 the number of cases reported through Simfoni was 8,947.

In terms of the total number of cases, the KPPPA recorded 10,247 [sic] cases in 2021, a 17.97 percent rise in comparison with 2020 when there were 8,686 cases.

In 2019 the total number of cases of violence against women reported through Simfoni was 8,854.

"I think that the biggest challenge is how to change [people's] mindset, change their views about violence, change our cultural behaviour towards violence", said Sitepu.

Meanwhile out of the reports received by the KPPPA, as many as 39 percent of women admitted to suffering physical violence and as many as 73 suffered violence in the home.

Sitepu also emphasised the importance of the role of social components in changing patterns of violence against women.

"This can't be just left to the government, all components of society, religious, traditional figures must [be involved]. This social model is more powerful in resolving this issue", she said.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "30 Persen Perempuan Anggap Wajar Dipukul Suami, Kementerian PPPA: Tantangan Besar Ubah Mindset".]

Source: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2022/02/08/18283381/30-persen-perempuan-anggap-wajar-dipukul-suami-kementerian-pppa-tantangan
