Yellow trade union leader appointed national police special staff for labour affairs

Source – May 1, 2024
General Listyo Sigit Prabowo dan Andi Gani Nena Wea at Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta – May 1, 2024 (Kompas)

Icha Rastika, Jakarta – National police chief (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has appointed Confederation of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (KSPSI) President Andi Gani Nena Wea national police special staff for labour affairs.

This was announced by Prabowo when he was attending a May Day or International Labour Day rally at the Bung Karno Sports Complex in Central Jakarta on Wednesday May 1.

"Earlier it was agreed with friends in the confederation and trade union leadership to appoint Bung [Brother] Andi Gani to become a national police expert staff for labour affairs", said Prabowo at the location.

Prabowo said this was decided based on an agreement between confederation colleagues, trade unions and the national police as an institution.

"To continue to monitor worker related problems, the problem of the rights they are fighting for", he said.

Prabowo said that that they have already formed a Special Labour Crimes Unit to deal with problems related to employment and labour.

Through this special unit, Prabowo hopes that all labour problems related to labour as well as workers rights can be fought for.

"We have now formed a team or special unit that is now up and running and we will continue to develop it to monitor the problems that occur in the larger community or related to workers affairs, related to labour, to disputes", he said.

Andi Gani meanwhile conveyed his gratitude for the appointment, and also thanked Prabowo for forming the Special Labour Crimes Unit.

"I think that this is an extraordinary gift on May Day this year. And I also thank you, Pak [Sir], I have been appointed as an advisor to the Pak Kapolri, may it be [a position] of trust and blessing", said Andi Gani.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "May Day 2024, Kapolri Tunjuk Andi Gani Jadi Staf Khusus Ketenagakerjaan".]

