Defend Palestine action in Jakarta opposes Israeli contingent at Paris Olympiad

Sindo News – July 21, 2024
Protesters blow whistles and hold up read cards during rally at Horse Statue in Jakarta – July 21, 2024 (Sindo News)

Ari Sandita Murti, Jakarta – Thousands of people from the Defend Palestine Indonesian People's Alliance (ARI-BP) held a peaceful action to reject the Israeli contingent at the 2024 Paris Olympiad.

The thousands of demonstrators, who blew whistles and held up red cards with the words "Ban Israel", arrived at the Horse Statue area in Central Jakarta on Sunday morning, July 21.

As of posting this report, they were still holding the peaceful action near the Horse Statue.

The protesters brought various kinds of paraphernalia symbolising Palestine including posters and banners with messages opposing Israel's presence at the Paris Olympiad.

In unison, they blew whistles and held up red cards in their hands. Other posters, which had messages such as "Boycott Israel at the Paris 2024 Olympiad" and "Sports Heals Israel Kills", were scattered around the area.

The thousands of people taking part, both men and women, held the action in an orderly manner. They also raised the Palestinian flag as a form of support for the country that is continuously oppressed by Israel. (cip)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was " Aliansi Bela Palestina Tiup Pluit dan Kartu Merah Tolak Israel di Olimpiade Paris".]

