Prabowo's party says shares same vision as hard-line Islamic leader Rizieq Shihab

Source – August 5, 2024
Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Rizieq Shihab and Habiburokhman – August 4, 2024 (Istimewa)

Adhyasta Dirgantara, Diamanty Meiliana, Jakarta – Two senior officials from president elect Prabowo Subianto's Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Executive Director Sufmi Dasco Ahmad and Gerindra Deputy Chairperson Habiburokhman, visited former Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) spiritual leader Rizieq Shihab on Sunday August 4.

Ahmad explained that the meeting was only in the context of a friendly get together (silaturahmi) and they did not discuss politics at all.

"Yes, the first thing is we came in friendship, fellow children of the nation. I did not talk about politics there at all", Ahmad said at the parliamentary building in Senayan, Jakarta, on Monday August 5.

Ahmad claimed that Shihab and Gerindra have the same vision on how to develop Indonesia, saying they are in agreement about Indonesia's progress going forward.

"Only we have an understanding, the same vision on how to build Indonesia so it advances further the future. That's all", he added.

Meanwhile Ahmad uploaded a photograph of the meeting between the senior Gerindra officials and Shihab on his Instagram account.

Ahmad, Shihab and Habiburokhman can be seen holding hands and smiling in the photo. "A national friendly get together", wrote Ahmad in the posting.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Temui Rizieq Shihab, Gerindra: Kami Punya Visi yang Sama untuk Bangun Indonesia".]

