Hundreds rally at House demanding ratification of indigenous people's law

Tempo – October 11, 2024
Rukmini Petoheke pictured at protest action in front of DPR building in Jakarta – October 11, 2024 (Tempo)

Han Revanda Putra, Jakarta – Hundreds of indigenous people from various different regions gathered in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building on Friday October 11.

Coming from various distant corners of the country, the protesters from the People's Movement to Safeguard Indigenous Communities (Gerak Masa) held a protest action demanding a commitment from the government to protect indigenous peoples.

"We are holding this action in order to call in the government's political commitments and pledges related to the protection and fulfillment of the rights of indigenous peoples in Indonesia", said Nusantara Indigenous Peoples Alliance (AMAN) General Secretary Rukka Sombolinggi said in a written statement on Friday.

Sombolinggi said that the peaceful action has been joined by representatives of indigenous peoples and network organisations from various regions in Indonesia. The demands they are articulating are for the protection of indigenous territories, recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples and a resolution to agrarian conflicts.

"This action also aims to highlight a decade of President Joko Widodo's government which is considered to have not yet fully kept its political promises to indigenous peoples", she said.

Dressed in typical Malay clothing with a sarong around his shoulders, 72-year-old Yulinas Muchtar was also present at the action.

Departing by a bus on Monday October 7 from Kampung Sampali Village in Percut Sei Tuan district, Deli Serdang regency, North Sumatra, Muchtar and five others in their group are calling in President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's pledge in his Nawa Cinta (nine point priority program) to protect indigenous peoples.

"This is what's called a struggle", he said when speaking with Tempo on the sidelines of the action.

He is also demanded that parliament immediately pass the Draft Law on Indigenous Communities (RUU Masyarakat Adat) that had been discussed since 2010. With nil progress in the law, much of the land in Muchtar's village has been seized by developers and irresponsible people.

"There is no protection, just the fresh air of promises, just promises, but behind that the other [parties] still oppress us" he said.

Rukmini Petoheke, a resident of Ngata Toro, a village near the Lore Lindu National Park in Kulawi sub-district, Sigi regency, Central Sulawesi, revealed similar problems.

Dressed in customary Kulawi clothing, she expressed her concern because the DPR has not enacted the indigenous community bill. With the absence of the law, she said the state continues to steal indigenous peoples' land.

She complained about the number of oil palm plantations and mines that have been established in there area due to the zero protection by the government. In fact, according to Petoheke, the parliament has been promising to ratify the bill since 2012.

"The government only likes to wear traditional clothing [at official events], but does not respect the land, wisdom and customs", she told Tempo.

The 53-year-old woman added that the position of customary judges is threatened by the Criminal Code (KUHP) Law. The law, she said, takes over the judicial process of the community which they have used for generations.

"For us, the KUHP is a trick and a betrayal of our customary law", she said.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Gelar Aksi di Depan DPR, Masyarakat Adat Tagih Janji Sahkan RUU Masyarakat Adat".]

