
February 2019

Tribune – February 6, 2019

Jakarta – Presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto says he is deeply moved by the support given to him by the Indonesian Metal Trade Workers Federation (FSPMI) in the 2019 presidential election.

Indonesia – February 5, 2019

Kristian Erdianto, Jakarta – The Islamic based Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) faction in the House of Representatives (DPR) has rejected the Draft law (RUU) on the Elimination of Sexual Violence.

CNN Indonesia – February 4, 2019

Surabaya – A grouping of civil society organisations calling themselves the “Surabaya Solidarity Society Against Remission for the Murderer of Journalist AA Gde Bagus Narendra Prabangsa” have sent a letter to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

Indonesia – February 3, 2019

Devina Halim, Jakarta – Syahrul Fitria, a researcher with the non-government organisation (NGO) Auriga, believes that the criminalisation of environmental activists has yet to be taken up as an issue by either of the two presidential election campaign tickets.

Indonesia – February 1, 2019

Hanief Syafi Al Umam, Jakarta – The Minister for Youth and Sports Affairs (Kemenpora), Imam Nahrawi, has sent an example by following his own ministerial appeal for cinemas to get audiences to sing the national anthem Indonesia Raya before film screenings when he went to watch the film The Cemara Family at the Studio 01 Djakart

January 2019

CNN Indonesia – January 31, 2019

Jakarta – Indonesian military (TNI) chief Air Martial Hadi Tjahjanto says that the TNI is revising Law Number 34/2004 on the TNI (UU TNI) so that middle- and high-ranking military officers can serve in government ministries and state institutions.

West Papua
Detik News – January 29, 2019

Jakarta – The construction of a bridge on the Trans Papua road in Nduga, West Papua, will be finished by the army (TNI AD). The construction of the bridge was postponed following the December 2 fatal shooting of construction workers by the West Papua National Liberation Army.

Detik News – January 27, 2019

Isal Mawardi, Jakarta – Prabowo Subianto’s younger brother and financial backer, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, says that they will accept any and all support for his older brother’s presidential bid. He said that they will accept all forms of support even from the children and grandchildren of the outlawed Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).

CNN Indonesia – January 25, 2019

Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) says that the release of former Jakarta governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama should become an impetus for the abolition of Article 156a of the Criminal Code (KUHP) on desecration or insulting religion in the deliberations on revising the draft Criminal Code (RKUHP).

KBR – January 25, 2019

Heru, Dian, Astri, Hermawan, Rei, Jakarta – Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu supports the proposal by Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo to conduct nationwide raids on communist books. Ryacudu claims that the raids are to prevent retaliation by Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) members who want revenge for the 1965 affair.

Tempo – January 24, 2019

Taufiq Siddiq, Jakarta – Book traders operating at Blok M Square in Jakarta say that raids on books containing banned ideas will be pointless because the works are a product of ideas. “So, people can just reprint and circulate them again, said Block M book trader Alil on Thursday January 24.

CNN Indonesia – January 23, 2019

Jakarta – Disappointment with incumbent presidential candidate President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is one of the reasons why people are choosing not to vote or golongan putih (white group, golput) in the 2019 presidential election.

One of the people feeling this sense of dissatisfaction is Asean Sogie Caucus member Lini Zurlia.

Tempo – January 23, 2019

Taufiq Siddiq, Jakarta – Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo is proposing that massive raids be carried out to hunt down books which contain communist teachings and banned ideologies. The proposal was made after the seizure of hundreds of books around the country allegedly containing “banned ideas”.

Detik News – January 23, 2019

Gibran Maulana Ibrahim, Jakarta – Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo has spoken out about hundreds of books on communism that were seized last year in Kediri, East Java. According to Prasetyo, more raids need to be carried out if indeed these books contain communist teachings.

Detik News – January 23, 2019

Ibnu Hariyanto, Jakarta – In the lead up to the 2019 presidential and legislative elections in April a movement has emerged promoting golput or white movement, meaning those who do not vote for any one of the candidates. Does this violate the law?

CNN Indonesia -- January 23, 2019

Jakarta -- Civil society organisations grouped under the Civil Society Coalition have declared that not casting a vote or golput (white movement) in elections is a right and not a crime. Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) Director Arif Maulana asserts that not voting or golput is a political choice in a society.

Tirto – January 23, 2019

Fadiyah Alaidrus – Padang Mayor Mahyeldi Ansharullah views Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people as a sickness that is caused by the environment and economic factors.

Detik News – January 23, 2019

Yulida Medistiara, Jakarta – Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo will discuss the resolution of gross past human rights cases with the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM). He will do this so that there are no misunderstandings about how to resolve them.

CNN Indonesia – January 21, 2019

Jakarta – The Nusantara Traditional Community Alliance (AMAN) has accused President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo as the head of state of being neoliberal because his policies are always orientated towards the economic sector.

Detik News – January 20, 2019

Andhika Prasetia and Rachmadi Rasyad, West Bandung – President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s vice presidential running mate Ma’ruf Amin says that he proposed the release of Al-Mu’min Islamic boarding school leader Abu Bakar Bashir back in 2018. But at the time, Bashir still had to submit an appeal for clemency with President Widodo.