Mojokerto, East Java – Scores of young people from a variety of organisations held a peaceful action on Jl. Gajah Mada, directly in front of the Mojokerto municipal government office complex in East Java on Sunday evening September 19.
September 2010
Misti P., Mojokerto ( – Around 50 people from the alliance National Humanity and Anti-Violence Solidarity Concern (SPKKAK) will hold joint prayers in front of the Mojokerto municipal government offices on Sunday September 19.
Jakarta – Tertiary education is becoming more elitist compared with the 1990s and 1990s, with the participation of those from less well off families dropping. The increasingly high cost of study is the principle obstacle facing the poor wishing to attend tertiary education.
Bibin Bintariadi, Malang – The government is not serious about resolving the death of human rights activist Munir. This has been proven by it simply instructing the Attorney General’s Office and other related parties to fully investigate Munir’s murder without taking the case seriously.
Jakarta – Hundreds of people from various groups including as human rights activists, victims of human rights violations and students demonstrated in front of the State Palace in Jakarta on Tuesday September 7.
Rosalina, Jakarta – A number of organisations that are part of the group Friends of Munir held a protest action in Jakarta on September 7 demanding a full resolution to the death of human rights activist Munir.
Alie Usman, Jakarta – Scores of social and non-government organisations that are part of the Friends of Munir movement gathered today to commemorate six years since Munir’s death, a human rights activists killed mysteriously on his way to continue studies in the Netherlands six years ago.
August 2010
Jakarta – Concerns that if the parliamentary threshold is increased it will impact on the number of valid votes that are wasted may be excessive because it will actually reduce the number of valid votes lost.
Aprizal Rahmatullah, Jakarta – Starting off the second week of August the capital city will be besieged with protest actions, with at least 15 demonstrations enlivening Jakarta today. Beware of traffic jams.
Surabaya – As many as 180 students, workers and urban poor activists from 12 organisations in the East Java cities of Surabaya, Mojokerto and Madiun held a protest action in Surabaya on Saturday August 7 opposing the recent increase in basic electricity rates (TDL).
Umi Kalsum, Eko Huda S – Around 700 people held a protest action against the recent basic electricity rate (TDL) increases in front of the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta on Saturday August 7. They demand that the government cancel the increase that took effect last month.
Iwan, Jakarta – The evil conspiracy to increase the basic electricity rate (TDL) will impact on the price of basic commodities, particularly food, further burdening the lives of the poor.
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Scores of people held a protest action opposition the recent increases in basic electricity rates (TDL) and the price of LPG gas canisters in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Saturday August 7. They also called on the government to cancel the price hikes and opposed the use of 3kg LPG gas canisters.
July 2010
Rheza Andhika Pamungkas, Jakarta – Around 80 workers from the Indonesian Labour Movement Union (PPBI) held a demonstration today demanding the cancellation of basic electricity rate (TDL) hikes that came into effect on July 1.
June 2010
Toto Suryaningtyas – Efforts by certain politicians to pull the military back into the political arena has tended to receive little public agreement. This disagreement however has in fact been expressed at time when the public’s sense of satisfaction with the performance of the Indonesian military (TNI) has improved.
Alie Usman, Jakarta – Scores of demonstrators from the group Solidarity for Papua (SUP) that had gathered at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Monday June 28, ended up stopping at several points along the length of Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat on their way to the State Palace.
Yogyakarta – Scores of Papuans from the group Solidarity for Papua (SUP) held a protest action at the Yogyakarta monument in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Monday June 21.
Jakarta – The handling of foreign refugees that enter Indonesia, which are often referred to as illegal immigrants, is still of concern. This is because Indonesia has still not ratified the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
Jakarta – The law that serves as a basis for the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to ban the circulation of books is no longer contextual or relevant under the current situation.
Yogyakarta – Activists from the Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan, formerly LMND-PRD) opposing planned increases to the basic electricity rate (TDL) next July held an action in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday June 16.