Activists from the Indonesian Student League for Democracy (LMND) and the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in the East Kalimantan city of Balikpapan have been the targets of harassment by the local government officials, police and the military (TNI).
June 2007
Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Kudus – Thousands of people in the Central Java town of Kudus have again demonstrated against the contraction of the Muria nuclear power plant (PLTN) which they believe will endanger lives in the future.
Nurvita Indarini, Kudus – Indonesia is looking at using nuclear technology and the government is even planning to construct a nuclear power plant (PLTN) at Muria in Central Java. The plan has its supporters and opponents. The opponents of course are continuing to reject the construction that is planned to go into operation in 2015.
Inadra Subagja, Jakarta – A key witness in the Munir murder case, Raymond Latuihamalo alias Ongen, has spoken for the first time about Munir’s activities while he was in transit in Singapore. Ongen said he saw the late Munir sitting with a person at the Coffee Bean in Changi Airport.
Nograhany Widhi K., Jakarta – Around 300 people from the Urban Poor Union (SRMK) demonstrated in front of the Constitutional Court on June 6 demanding that the court review Law Number 32/2004 in relation to independent candidates in the election of regional heads.
Banda Aceh – The Free Aceh Movement (GAM) has begun to initiate steps to form a local political party.
Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Salatiga – Around 250 students and farmers from the Central Java city of Salatiga were disappointed after being ‘removed’ before having a chance to express long list of grievances over the shooting incident in the Central Java regency Pasuruan on May 30.
Ahmad Fikri, Bandung – Activists, students and farmers have protested at the headquarters of the Bandung Navy Detachment in West Java to condemn the shooting by marines of farmers in the Pasuruan regency of East Java that resulted in the killing of four people.
M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I on foreign affairs has commended the measures being taken by the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) in conducting a counter campaign against foreign parties linked to the issue of West Papua.
May 2007
Iqbal Fadil, Jakarta – The raid on Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso’s room at the Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney, Australia, is related to his past when as a officer of the Indonesian military (TNI) he served in East Timor. The Commander in Chief of the TNI even sees the incident as an effort to slander the TNI.
Anwar Khumaini, Jakarta – The raid by New South Wales police on Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso’s hotel room in Sydney, Australia, should be considered as a routine matter.
Anwar Khumaini, Jakarta – Non-government organisations from Indonesia’s NGO Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy (Koalisi LSM) say that Jakarta governor Sutiyoso should have been arrested because he refused a court order.
Jakarta – May 1998. Students from throughout the country spilled into the hall and occupied the national parliament building. The State Palace also was not spared the invasion of large numbers of uninvited guests.
The national liberation of the people of Latin America, which has been inspired by the people’s struggle in Venezuela led by President Hugo Chavez, should be able to inspire similar methods and ideologies in the Indonesian national struggle.
[Understanding the Venezuela Revolution, a Discussion Between Hugo Chavez and Martha Harnecker. Published by Progressive Youth Alliance (AMP) and the Institute for Global Justice (IGJ), February 2007. Reviewed by Zely Ariane.]
[The following is a compilation of abridged translations taken from on demonstrations commemorating nine years since the fall of former President Suharto on May 21, 1998.]
'Get ready for an increase in traffic jams'
Melly Febrida, Jakarta – The distribution of 2004 curriculum history books for junior and senior high schools have been banned and the Attorney General hopes that the recall of these books will be completed by this year.
Dara, Banda Aceh – A number of women’s activists that are concerned about the fate of women have declared a new local political party that has been given the name the Acehnese People’s Alliance Party for Women’s Concern (Partai Aliansi Rakyat Aceh Peduli Perempuan, PARAPP).
Yudha Setiawan – As many as 53 new political parties have registered with the Department of Justice and Human Rights. “The total number of parties will continue to grow”, said Syamsudin Manan Sinaga, the director general for public legal administration yesterday.
Rafiqa Qurrata A, Jakarta – The central leadership board of the National Liberation Party of Unity suspects there is a political plot to destroy them. This is taking a number forms such as terror and intimidation.