
November 2006

Various Sources – November 10-14, 2006

[The following is a compilation of abridged translations of protests between November 10-14 against US President George W. Bush's planned visit to the West Java city of Bogor on November 20. Translated by James Balowski.]

Makassar student demonstrate a mall, hotel against Bush visit

Indonesia – November 10, 2006

Nala Edwin, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is calling on the government to find the 13 missing activists who were abducted between 1996-1998 and whose fates are still unknown.

October 2006

Indonesia – October 28, 2006

Gagah Wijoseno, Jakarta – Suspicions that the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) was involved in the murder of Munir are becoming stronger. There is evidence that BIN is lobbying the United States over the case of the human rights activist.

Indonesia – October 28, 2006

Maryadi, Jakarta – A visit by Munir’s widow, Suciwati to the United States on October 14-20 has produced results. The United Nations, the US Congress and the Senate have declared their support to quickly find Munir’s murderer.

Indonesia – October 5, 2006

Try, Jakarta – Who knows if it’s just for fun or has a political purpose, but T-shirts with a picture of the hammer and sickle (the symbol of the Indonesian Communist Party or PKI) are circulating in several parts of East Java. The T-shirts are even being sold in public.

West Papua – October 5, 2006

Nograhany Widhi, Jakarta – Feeling that there has been a miscarriage of justice, the families of the defendants in the Abepura case have lodged a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

Indonesia – October 5, 2006

Shinta Shinaga, Jakarta – Female circumcision is indeed already a tradition in Indonesia. However the medical world is now becoming concerned about the practice of removing the clitoris. The results of a poll indicated that female circumcision must be banned.

Lampung Post – October 1, 2006

Bandar Lampung – The Bandar Lampung City Preparatory Committee for the National Liberation Party of Unity (KP-Papernas) plans to start socialising the new party this afternoon at the Lampung Cultural Gardens.

Java Post – October 1, 2006

Jakarta – New political parties continue to surface. After 27 new political parties registered recently with the department of justice and human rights, there is now one more party, the National Liberation Party of Unity (PPPN or Papernas), that is ready to follow suit.

September 2006

Tempo Interactive – September 26, 2006

Tito Sianipar, Jakarta – Munir’s widow, Suciwati, has filed a lawsuit against PT Garuda Indonesia Airlines for 13 billion rupiah. The civil lawsuit was heard at the Central Jakarta District Court yesterday.

West Papua – September 26, 2006

Ari Saputra, Jakarta – Dozens of West Papuans demonstrated in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Tuesday September 26 demanding that Reverend Ishak Onawame, a defendant in the shooting case near PT Freeport Indonesia be released.

Indonesia – September 25, 2006

Ramdhan Muhaimin, Jakarta – Although the 2009 general elections are still three years away, 27 seven new political parties have already registered with the department of Justice and Human Rights. The new parties range from the New Order Party to the Satria Piningit Party.

Media Indonesia – September 10, 2006

Jakarta – On September 10 the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) held a demonstration at the State Palace in Jakarta against new forms of colonialism and demanded that the government set a standard national wage.

Indonesia – September 10, 2006

Jakarta – The Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) is threatening to hold a national strike if the government fails to increase the national wage and abolish systems of contract labour and outsourcing.

Indonesia – September 10, 2006

Jakarta – Around 500 protesters from the Workers Challenge Alliance (ABM) held a demonstration at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout it Central Jakarta on September 10 demanding a suitable minimum wage. A present they are awaiting the arrival of other workers following which they plan to march to the State Palace.

Tempo Interactive – September 7, 2006

Rudy Prasetyo, Jakarta – Around 500 people from the Solidarity Alliance for Munir demonstrated at the national police headquarters in South Jakarta today. They were demanding that the police quickly solve the Munir case and guarantee protection to all human rights defenders.

Indonesia – September 7, 2006

Veronika Kusuma Wijayanti, Jakarta – Around 500 activists from a number of non-government organisations held a demonstration at the national police headquarters on Thursday September 7. They were demanding that police solve the Munir murder that took place two years ago.

Indonesia – September 7, 2006

Muhammad Nur Hayid, Jakarta – Two years after Munir’s murder the case remains a mystery but demands for the case to be resolved are continuing to be raised. Munir’s wife, Suciwati, is asking President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to form a new investigation team.

Indonesia – September 6, 2006

Indra Subagja, Jakarta – After two years the Munir case remains unsolved. Only former Garuda Airlines pilot Pollycarpus Priyanto has been convicted for the murder of the former human rights activist. The family and friends of the late Munir say there are strong political reason why the case has not been solved yet.

Indonesia – September 5, 2006

Veronika Kusuma Wijayanti, Jakarta – In the lead up to the second anniversary since the murder of human rights activist Munir on September 7, police are being called on to question the former deputy head of the State Intelligence Agency Muchdi Purwoprajoyo.