Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Dozens of students from the Indonesian Youth Front for Struggle (Front Perjuangan Pemuda Indonesia, FPPI) held an action supporting the Asia Africa Conference on Thursday April 21 but called on the conference not to become just a reunion or stage for nostalgia.
April 2005
Indra Shalihinl, Jakarta – Don’t try to hold a demonstration during the Asia Africa Conference because Jakarta must look beautiful.
M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – After holding two meetings in Helsinki, Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) have yet to sign an agreement. For as long as there is no agreement in black and white the TNI (armed forces) will reject a cease-fire with GAM.
Jakarta – Human rights activists who’s names have been proposed by a number of non-government organisations (NGOs) to sit on the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation are concerned about the selection process at the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR).
Dian Intannia, Jakarta – Around 30 student activists, rural workers and urban-poor activists from the United People’s Alliance (Aliansi Rakyat Bersatu, ARB) are demanding that the government apply the concept of national industrialisation.
Astrid Felicia Lim, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly (DPR) is disappointed over the military’s domination of Echelon I level positions in the Department of Defense. They believe that the large number of government officials from the military is a step backward for the ministry..
Jakarta – Indonesian non-government human rights organizations have asked the government to cooperate with the United Nations’ Commission of Experts.
March 2005
Astrid Felicia Lim, Jakarta – The Fact Finding Team in the case of Munir which was formed by national police headquarters has said that two perspective suspects in the murder are officers of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).
Agus Supriyanto, Jakarta – National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Syamsir Siregar has objected to remarks that BIN is involved in the murder of human rights activist Munir. There are suspicions that the murder is part of a criminal conspiracy and that BIN in involved.
[The following is an abridged translation of a selection of articles from which were posted on its web site between March 15-18.
Badriah, Jakarta – Workers claim that as a group they are suffering most because of the government’s decision to increase the price of fuel on March 1 which has flowed on to increases in the price of basic goods.
Jakarta, Kompas – Victims of the 1965 tragedy – who are still stigmatised as members of the Indonesian Communist Party or its affiliated organisations – are suing Indonesia’s five presidents, former presidents Suharto, B.J. Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid and Megawati Sukarnoputri, and President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Yuliawati, Jakarta – The People’s Representative Assembly’s Natural Disaster Relief Monitoring Team in Aceh and North Sumatra is asking the government to reconsider the presence of foreign volunteers so that they can remain in Indonesia longer.
Atiek Nur Hidayati, Jakarta – A coalition of non-government organisations (NGOs) has agreed to take cases of human rights violations in Aceh and West Papua to the 61st session of the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva which will be held between March 14 and April 22.
Niken Widya Yunita, Jakarta – Believing it will be commercialised, the People’s Forum for Health Concerns (Forum Rakyat Peduli Kesehatan) held a demonstration opposing the privatisation of the local public hospitals (RSUD) and turning them into limited companies.
Yuliawati, Jakarta – A.M. Fatwa, a founder and the chairperson of the National Mandate Party (PAN), believes that the formation of the Muhammadiyah Mandate Party (PAM), which is to be launched this afternoon, is a warning for his party.
Ahmad Yunus, Bandung – Around 100 women and farmers from the People’s Struggle Front (Front Perjuangan Rakyat) held an action commemorating International Women’s Day. In their action, the demonstrators who originate from Pengalengan in West Java, also opposed fuel price increases.
Muchus Budi R., Solo – International Women’s Day (IWD) which fell on March 8 was commemorated by demonstrations in the Central Java city of Solo. The actions was organised by two small groups with the same aims, opposing fuel price increases which they believe will further worsen the economic conditions of the people.
Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – On Tuesday March 8, dozens of students from a number of groups in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta held actions opposing fuel price increases.
Darlis M., Palu – President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s warning not to act violently against demonstrations opposing fuel price increases appears to be only words. Police in the Central Sulawesi city of Palu were unable to restrain themselves, attacking and beating students who were demonstrating in the centre of the city.