
March 2004

Aceh – March 2, 2004

Ahmad Fikri, Jakarta -- West Bandung (West Java) police have arrested Mohammad bin Toyib (26) who they say is the adjutant of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) finance minister.

This was revealed to journalists by the head of the West Bandung police, Eddy Mulyono, at the Bandung police headquarters on Tuesday March 2.

Sarambi Indonesia – March 2, 2004

Banda Aceh – Since marshal law came into force in Aceh on May 19, 2003, the Banda Aceh Military Court I/01 has handed down verdicts on 90 legal cases involving 120 TNI (armed forces) officers.

February 2004

Aceh Papua Solidarity – February 28, 2004

[The following is an abridged translation of the testimonies of six Acehnese pro-democracy activists who were either abducted or managed to evade capture during a wave of arrests carried out by the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) in Banda Aceh between February 19-23 which was compiled by the Jakarta based organisation Aceh Papua Solidarity (Solidari

Tempo Interactive – February 27, 2004

Banda Aceh – Police have admitted to arresting and detaining a number of student activists in Aceh. Of the eleven activists which were arrested, three of them are still being held under charges of being involved with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).

Women’s Organisation for Aceh Democracy Statement – February 26, 2004

Jakarta – The abduction of Harlina who is a member of the Women’s Organisation for Aceh Democracy (Organisasi Perempuan Demokratik Aceh, Orpad) and the Linge University and High-school Students Association (Ikatan Mahasiswa dan Pelajar Linge, IMPEL) by o

Koran Tempo – February 26, 2004

“The Supreme Court will deal with corrupt government officials on the sole basis they were carrying out the orders of a superior”.

Tempo Interactive – February 26, 2004

Yogyakarta – Around 100 activists from the group People’s Solidarity for Aceh (Solidaritas Rakyat untuk Aceh) held a street action in Yogyakarta, Central Java, on Thursday February 26.

Indonesia – February 26, 2004

Anton Aliabbas, Jakarta – The chairperson of the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR), Akbar Tanjung, has said that there is no need to be concerned about the decision by the Constitutional Court which allows ex-members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) to become legislative candidates.

Indonesia – February 25, 2004

Fedhly Averouss Bey, Jakarta – Allowing ex-political prisoners, in particular ex-members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), to become legislative candidates brings with it consequences for the security forces. The security forces must work hard to ensure that the bad things which happened in the past are not repeated.

Kompas – February 25, 2004

Jakarta – On Monday morning, February 23, four non-government organisation (NGO) activists who have publicly rejected the military operation in Aceh continuing during the 2004 general elections, were arrested by a special unit of the Mobile Brigade (Brimob). As of Tuesday February 24, the whereabouts of the four activists remains unclear.

Aceh – February 25, 2004

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – As many as five student, youth and women’s activists in Aceh have disappeared since February 16. Aceh Papua Solidarity (Solidaritas Aceh Papua, SAP) suspects that they have been arrested by the TNI (armed forces) or police.

Tempo Interactive – February 24, 2004

Sunariyah, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has condemned the arbitrary arrest and detention of activists in Aceh.

Kompas Cyber Media – February 24, 2004

Heru Margianto, Jakarta – Six Acehnese activists have been arrested by security forces in Central Aceh. One has already been released but as of Tuesday February 24, the whereabouts of the other five remains unknown. The reason for the arrests is unclear.

Tempo Interactive – February 20, 2004

Jakarta – Arriving in two Metromini busses at around 11.30am, scores of demonstrators calling themselves the Alliance Against Rotten Non-Government Organisations demonstrated at the offices of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) on Jalan Cisadane in Central Jakarta on Friday February 20.

Kompas – February 19, 2004

Jakarta – Provisional People’s Consultative Assembly (MPRS) Decree Number XXV/1966 cannot in any way be the basis for Article 60 sub-section (g) of Law Number 12/2003 on the general elections. This is because the MPRS decree only specifies that the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) is a banned organisation.

Tempo Interactive – February 19, 2004

Ambon – The commander of the XVI/Pattimura Territorial Military Command (Kodam), Major General Syarifudin Summah, has threatened to shoot on sight anybody to tries to disrupt the elections in the Maluku islands.

Kompas – February 19, 2004

Jakarta – The Democratic Party has been accused of flirting with the Aceh Emergency Military Command by three Acehnese women’s non-government organisations. They say that political party membership cards are being used as a replacement for the red-and-white identification cards.

Indonesia – February 18, 2004

Anton Aliabbas, Jakarta – Hundreds of students from a number of different organisations demonstrated today in front of the People’s Representative Assembly (DPR). They demanded that the Golkar Party be disbanded and that its general chairperson, Akbar Tanjung be jailed. A bit late maybe?

Tempo Interactive – February 14, 2004

Malang – The visit by President Megawati Sukarnoputri to the city of Malang in East Java on Saturday February 14, was greeted with a demonstration by students from the University of Brawijaya (Unibraw) Student Executive Council (BEM) and the Indonesian Muslim Student United Action Front (KAMMI) in front of the Unibraw campus..

Tempo Interactive – February 14, 2004

Palembang – Student activists, non-government organisations and academics held a silent protest in front of the Monument to the Mandate of the People’s Suffering in Palembang, South Sumatra, on Friday evening, February 13.