Aria Cindyara, Jakarta – The youth activists movement network the Milk Tea Alliance in Indonesia is pushing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the United Nations (UN) to take firm measures in relation to the situation which is developing in Myanmar following the February 1 military coup.
March 2021
Igman Ibrahim, Jakarta – Malang city district police chief (Kapolres) Senior Commissioner Leonardus Simarmata has been reported to the police's professionalism and security affairs division (Propam) over alleged racial slurs when securing an International Women's Day (IWD) rally by Papuan students on March 8.
Jakarta – The environmental non-government organisation (NGO) Trend Asia has criticised the government's decision to remove coal ash from the category of hazardous and toxic wastes (B3). According to the group, the move will only benefit business and elite groups.
Helmi Syarif, Jakarta – The Metro Jaya regional police have summoned Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) General Chairperson Nining Elitos over alleged incitement and violations of health protocols. Elitos is scheduled to be questioned by police on March 15.
Jakarta – The director of the Makassar Legal Aid Foundation (LBH), Muhammad Haedir, has revealed that two participants of an action commemorating International Women's Day (IWD) in Makassar, South Sulawesi, were detained by the Makassar metropolitan district police for 24 hours.
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The lawyer representing the families of victims of the Semanggi I and II tragedies, Muhammad Isnur, says that they will take their case to the Supreme Court following a ruling against them by the State Administrative High Court (PTTUN).
Erfan Maaruf, Jakarta – The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) is conducting 24 hour patrols for hate speech and hoaxes on social media (medsos). And they are not just patrolling cyberspace, BIN will also go into the field to act against those spreading negative content.
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (Safenet) Executive Director Damar Juniarto is questioning the government and the House of Representatives' (DPR) scale of priorities after revisions to the Information and Electronic Transaction (ITE) Law were not included in the 2021 priority National Legislation Program (P
Jakarta – A video of a police officer warning that they will shot Papuan students gathered in front of the Malang municipal police headquarters in East Java has gone viral on social media. In the video, a local police unit chief can be heard threatening the Papuan students.
Tiara Azzahra, Jakarta – On March 8 protesters held a long-march from the central business district on Jalan MH Thamrin to the State Palace in Central Jakarta to commemorate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021.
Novia Harlina, Padang – Women community members from the Women's Concern Network (JPP) held a peaceful action at the traffic circle in front of the West Sumatra Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in Padang on Monday March 8. The action was held to commemorate International Women's Day (IWD) 2021.
Surabaya – Police broke up an International Women's Day (IWD) action by the Women's Movement with the People (Gempur) Alliance in Malang, East Java on Monday. A number of protesters were also arrested by police because of the chaos that ensued when they tried to disperse the crowd.
Muhammad Aminudin, Malang – A demonstration held near the Gajayana stadium in Malang city, East Java, ended in chaos and anarchy with demonstrators smashing a police truck window after they were asked to disperse for violating health protocols.
Pradito Rida Pertana, Yogyakarta – Protesters calling themselves the People's Struggle Front (FPR) held an action commemorating International Women's Day (IWD) today in front of the governor's office in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta. The action however was marred by an altercation between the protesters and local people.
Henry, Jakarta – The baton urging the enactment of the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS) into to law has been taken up.
Bandung – Activists from the Women's Liberation Knot (Simpul Pembebasan Perempuan, Simpulpuan) held a parade (long-march) to the Gedung Sate building in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on March 8 to demand the ratification of the Draft Law on the Elimination of Sexual Violence (RUU PKS).
Banda Aceh – Non-government organisations (NGOs) and millennial groups in Aceh held an International Women's Day (IWD) virtual campaign at the Ivory Cafe in Setui, Banda Aceh, on Monday March 8.
Zakki Amali – The accusations by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) have been proven true after the passing of several weeks. The former infantry major accused Moeldoko, a retired TNI (Indonesian military) general, of meeting with leading Democrat Party members and prepared a coup d'etat to take over his leadership of the party.
Devina Halim, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) hopes that the requirements for independent candidates to take part in the election of regional heads (pilkada) will be eased for the sake of preventing the emergence of oligarchies.
Semarang – Police have broken up a protest action against the extension of Special Autonomy (Otsus) in Papua that took place on Jalan Imam Barjo in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang on Friday March 5.