Praditya Fauzi Rahman, Surabaya – Israel's betrayal of Palestine following the ceasefire agreement has triggered anger among the people in Indonesia, with Surabaya being no exception.
Documents containing the term 'Benjamin Netanyahu'

Jakarta – A protest action to defend Palestine at the Horse statue in Central Jakarta on Monday June 9 managed to collect as much as 388 million rupiah in donations for Palestine.

Rifka Amalia, Jakarta – Protesters from a coalition of musicians have held a defend Palestine solidarity action in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta in which they condemned the Israeli attack on Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

Larasati Dyah Utami – The Palestinian people commemorated the 76th anniversary of Al-Nakba on Wednesday May 15. Dozens of Palestinians gathered at the Palestinian Embassy in Jakarta to remember the expulsion of the Palestinian people from their homeland 76 years ago.

On the afternoon of Friday May 10, artists from the Musicians Coalition for Gaza initiated a solidarity action for the Palestinian people by setting up a tent encampment in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta.

Bandung – The academic community from two universities in Bandung – the Aisyiyah University Bandung (Unisa) and the Muhammadiyah University Bandung (UMB) held a defend Palestine action in front of the Sate building in Bandung city, West Java, on the afternoon of Tuesday May 7.

Jakarta – Hundreds of protesters held a demonstration in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta on Saturday January 13. Coinciding with 115 days of Israel's aggression in the Gaza Strip, the protesters demanded an immediate ceasefire.

Alfiana Rosyidah dan Fachriza Anugerah – Protesters from the People's Movement for Palestine Independence (GERAK Palestine) marched through the Jalan Malioboro shopping district towards the zero kilometre point in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Sunday afternoon, November 19.