Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid says that the alleged police intimidation of artist Butet Kartaredjasa brings back memories of the New Order (Orba) regime of forme
Documents containing the term 'Bonar Tigor Naipospos'

Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace is asking Education, Culture, Research and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim to take firm action against state schools forcing students to wear the jilbab – an Islamic female headdress which leaves the face exposed.

Egi Adyatama, Jakarta – Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace Deputy Chairperson Bonar Tigor Naipospos says that there is no urgency for the government to build a tunnel of friendship connecting the Istiqlal Mosque and the St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral in Central Jakarta.

Fadiyah Alaidrus – The mayor of Padang, Mahyeldi Ansharullah, has led a declaration attended by thousands of people rejecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) in the West Sumatran city.

Ambaranie Nadia Kemala Movanita, Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy says that a film on the 1965 affair needs to be remade but with a more realistic story.

Jakarta – Presidential Instruction Number 2/2013 on The Handling of Domestic Security Disturbances is easily subject to misuse by regional heads for their own political interests. This is because regional governments themselves are often the cause of horizontal conflicts.

Jakarta – The government is being urged to prioritize dialogue over a militaristic approach in resolving the Papua problem. It is precisely this militaristic approach that is provoking continued violence. Because of this therefore, violations of civilian human rights must stop.

Jakarta, Kompas -- The accusation that particular members of TNI [Indonesian armed forces] have committed rapes has surfaced again.