Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Jakarta – Amnesty International Executive Director Usman Hamid says that they once made a journal about the July 27, 1996 attack on the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) offices, or the Kudatuli
Documents containing the term 'Bonnie Triyana'

Padang – Tan Malaka's heirs want the historical struggle of one of the Indonesian Republic's initiators to be included in school history lessons. They are making this request of the government as one way for the nation's next generation to know the role that Tan Malaka played in the national independence struggle.

Padang – The family of Tan Malaka want more roads named after him in areas which were once a basis for his struggle. Not just in West Sumatra, but also in other parts of Indonesia.

Rivki, Jakarta – On January 8 officials from the Padang public prosecutor’s office and the TNI (Indonesian military) seized several books alleged to contain the teachings of the banned Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) from a bookshop in West Padang.

Jakarta – The long fight to uncover and moreover reconcile the 1965-66 affair is slowly starting to show results. Still needed of course is hard work and a readiness on the part of several parties to uncover the truth and come to terms with the facts of the affair.

Jakarta – Conflicts between the Indonesian military (TNI) and the people shows that internal reform within military as an institution is not fully complete. The security approach, like the era of Suharto’s New Order regime, is still being used by the TNI, particularly when confronted by problems.