M. Raihan Muzzaki, Amirullah, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) Deputy Director Husein Ahmad is asking the government to revise Law Number 31/1997 on Military Justice.
Documents containing the term 'Cebongan Prison'

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Security Sector Reform (KMSRSK) is calling for reform to military justice to be accelerated.

Tomi Sujatmiko, Sleman – Demonstrators from the Indonesian People’s Committee for Justice (KRIUK) held a protest action at the Yogyakarta regional police headquarters (Mapolda) on Tuesday April 23 demanding a resolution to cases of human rights violations, including the attack on the Cebongan prison exactly one month ago.

Man: Are you prepared to take on thugs like these? Now that’s what you’d call a knight in black (shining) armor!

Syarifah Nur Haida, Jakarta – Commissioners from the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) were startled when during a break in a Komnas HAM press conference on the Cebongan prison killings, demonstrators wearing military fatigues descended on Komnas HAM’s office calling for the commission to be disbanded.

Yogyakarta – The murder of four prisoners at the Cebongan prison in Sleman, Yogyakarta, could potentially be used for political image building. This can be seen from widespread efforts to garner public support and divert the issue away from one of human rights violations to the eradication of thuggery.

Ikhwanul Habibi, Jakarta – The Cebongan Prison case in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta involving 11 members of the army’s elite Special forces (Kopassus) is a result of the law falling silent, so the murder of former Kopassus First Sergeant Heru Santoso by thugs at a cafe in Yogyakarta on March 19 resulted in guns doing the talking.

Chair reads: Judicial mafia, corruption, drugs, Lapindo mud disaster, Bank Century scandal, Hambalang corruption scandal, Cebongan prison attack.