Agung Sandy Lesmana, Fakhri Fuadi Muflih – A solo painting exhibition by artist Yos Suprapto at the National Gallery (Galnas) in Jakarta has been cancelled. The exhibition titled Revival: Land for Food Sovereignty was supposed to open on Thursday December 19, but was banned by the gallery.
Documents containing the term 'Eros Djarot'
Jakarta – Activists throughout Indonesia will change their strategy in the war against the government, which they say is issuing policies that bring suffering to the people. They will no longer wage war in a spontaneous manner, but unit to fight against government policies that fail to side with the poor.
Nograhany Widhi K, Jakarta – Political parties appealing to young people, which have been proliferating of late, arrived at the Department of Justice and Human Rights on the last day of registration to be verified as political entities.
Based on Law Number 31/2002 on Political Parties, no less than 209 political parties in the country – including those who already had the status of a legal body and those who did not – have had their status annulled. As a result, there are now 50 recorded political parties in the country.
Jakarta – The New Order regime [of former President Suharto] which was brought down by the wave of demands for reformasi in 1998, is returning to power though the 2004 general elections.
Heru Margianto, Jakarta – A number of political and economic figures launched a new political organisation at the Hotel Aryaduta, Jakarta, on Thursday September 18. The new organisation which is named the Preparation Committee for Movement Indonesia (Komite Persiapan Pergerakan Indonesia, KPPI) is headed by economist Faisal Basri.