Jakarta – The Setara Institute for Peace and Democracy is urging Anwar Usman to resign from his position as a Constitutional Court (MK) judge after being proven to have committed a serious violation of the ethics code due to a conflict o
Documents containing the term 'Jimly Asshiddiqie'

Yogyakarta – The Yogyakarta Special Province (DIY) Nusantara Student Executive Council (BEM) is demanding that the Constitutional Court Honorary Council (MKMK) be impartial in dealing with alleged ethical violations by the Constitutional Court related to a ruling on the minimum age

Tazkia Royyan Hikmatiar – Hundreds of figures have joined together to issue a "Proclamation of Struggle" (Maklumat Juanda) as an expression of concern over a Constitutional Court's (MK) ruling on Monday October 16 on the age limit for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Jakarta – The creation of NKRI bersyariah – the Unitary Islamic State of the Republic of Indonesia – one of the recommendations of the 4th Ijtimak Ulama or assembly of Islamic clerics has attracted controversy and opposition.

Jakarta – The international community continues to focus on the Indonesian government’s handling of the murder of human rights activist Munir. The Indonesian government, particularly the Attorney General’s Office (AGO), needs to accelerate the handling of the case by submitting a judicial review of the Supreme Court’s appeal decision.

Jakarta – Although optimistic, the chief of the Indonesian armed forces (TNI), General Endriartono Sutarto, has said that there is no guarantee that the 2004 general elections will proceed without security disturbances.