Man: Focused work right Mr... (box reads "electoral disputes")
Documents containing the term 'KIM plus'

Jakarta – The number of people that did not use their right to vote or golput in the 2024 election of regional heads (Pilkada) was fairly high. In a number of regions, the number of votes for those that won elections was far less than the golput figure.

Kurniawan Fadilah, Jakarta – The Labour Party has officially declared its support for the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) electoral ticket in the Jakarta gubernatorial elections (Pilgub).

Riang Karunianidi – On Monday August 20, the Constitutional Court found in favour of a lawsuit submitted by the Labour Party and the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora) on the Regional Elections Law (UU Pilkada).

Jakarta – The Jakarta Regional Leadership Board (DPW) of the People's Justice and Prosperity Party (Prima) held a regional conference at the Sunter Sports Centre in North Jakarta on Sunday August 4.