Jakarta – Protesters from various different organisations commemorating National Farmers Day (HTN) in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) parliamentary complex on Tuesday September 24 brought a number of demands related to agrarian refo
Documents containing the term 'KSPN'

Jakarta – Protesting workers have dispersed after holding a demonstration rejecting Minister of Trade Regulation Number 8/2024 on Import Policies and Regulations in front of the Ministry of Trade offices in Central Jakarta on Wednesday July 3.

Semarang – The Nusantara Trade Union Confederation (KSPN) alluded to former Central Java governor and presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo and acting Central Java Governor Nana Sudjana during a demonstration commemorating International Labour Day.

Jakarta – Workers held simultaneous demonstrations at a number of locations in West Java in protest against a 2024 minimum wage decision by the West Java Provincial Wage Council at a plenary meeting on Tuesday evening, November 28.