Hans Arnold Kapisa (Contributor), Jakarta – Environmental activist Sulfianto Alias, the director of the non-government organisation (NGO) Panah Papua, suffered serious injuries after being brutally beaten on the morning of Friday December 20 in Bintuni Bay regency, West Papua.
Documents containing the term 'LP3BH'

Jayapura – Anti-Terrorism Solidarity (Solat) action coordinator Mesak Dogomo says that the terror attack on the Jubi media offices in Jayapura that occurred on October 16 cannot be treated lightly.

Jayapura – The witnesses testimonies by Polri (Indonesian police officers) that were presented during the hearings into the 2014 Paniai massacre case at the Makassar District Court in South Sulawesi on Wednesday September 28, reinforce the grounds for the Attorney General and the court not to just prosecute a single defendant.

Maria Baru, Sorong City – At least 31 human rights and pro-democracy organisations have urged the Indonesian government and the police to immediately release West Papua National Committee (KNPB) international spokesperson Victor Yeimo (VY) from all charges.

Hans Arnold Kapisa, Jakarta – West Papuan human rights activist and Manokwari Legal Aid Assessment, Research and Development Institute (LP3BH) Director Yan Christian Warinussy is critical of the 61 figures that were included in a delegation of Papuans who held a meeting with President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo at the State Palace today.

Jerome Wirawan – The case of the alleged abduction of 1,300 people in Mimika, West Papua last year is apparently not over yet. This week, as many as three people were shot dead by the TNI (Indonesian military) in an incident that the TNI claims was a shootout with an armed group.

Jayapura – It appears that the police will show not tolerance to those who unfurled the Morning Star flag during a demonstration on grounds of the Manokwari Regional House of Representatives on Thursday March 13. The evidence, nine out of the 12 demonstrators arrested earlier by police are to be charged with rebellion.