Theo Kelen, Jayapura – On Monday November 11 the Papua Council of Churches (PCC) and Papuan indigenous priests held a press conference in Jayapura city, Papua, to address the current situation in the land of Papua.
Documents containing the term 'MIFEE'

[From an oped piece in by the head of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) Farmers and Fishers Centre Hermanu Triwidodo titled "'Food Estates', What do the Farmers Get?".]

[From an oped piece in by Cenderawasih University anthropologist and Papua Research and Community service Foundation (LP2M-Papua) Chairperson Agust Wenehen titled "Natural Resource Corruption in Papua".]

The Indonesian People's Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) and the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) again launched actions in several parts of the country on December 19. This time the actions took up the theme, "Trikora: The Start of Indonesia's Colonisation of the West Papua Nation".

Waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waa... waaa!

Bastian Tebai, Semarang – The Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) and the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) have called on all Papuan students through their city committees in Java and Bali to declare that the 1962 New York Agreement was illegal.

Surya Anta – Increasingly broad mobilisations by the Papuan people in recent years shows that there must be a new assessment of West Papuan as an entity. An entity that should be, must be, recognised as a nation.

Bastian Tebai, Yogyakarta – Every year July 1 is commemorated by Papuans as West Papua proclamation day. The proclamation was read out at the Victoria Headquarters in Waris Village, Jayapura, in 1971.

Yogyakarta – Hundreds of demonstrators from the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta held a peaceful action and free speech forum today, Monday July 15.