Elisa Sekenyap, Jayapura – The Papua People's Council (MRP) says that the people of Central Papua have openly complained about and reject the free nutritious meals (MBG) program launched by the central government.
Documents containing the term 'MRP'

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) celebrated its 16th anniversary yesterday (November 19, 2008-November 19, 2024). Commemorations were held in several different regions, both inside and outside the land of Papua.

Theo Kelen, Jayapura – On Monday November 11 the Papua Council of Churches (PCC) and Papuan indigenous priests held a press conference in Jayapura city, Papua, to address the current situation in the land of Papua.

Larius Kogoya – According to the chairperson of the Malind and Condodigun Indigenous Peoples Forum in Merauke, Simon Petrus Balagagaze, the atmosphere of terror and intimidation began to be felt after August 27.

Activists from the West Papua National Committee or the KNPB returned to the streets for their 14th action on Thursday August 15, to commemorate the 1962 New York Agreement, the day when power over West Papua was transferred from the Netherlands to Indo

Jayapura – The Papuan people reject a plan by the acting Jayapura regent Purnomo Triwarno to move the grave of Papuan independence leader and national hero Dortheys Hiyo Eluay.

Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid has criticised the response by presidential candidate number 2.

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) Coordinator Fatia Maulidiyanti says that the humanitarian pause negotiated by the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has failed to provide a solut

Singgih Wiryono, Jakarta – National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) Chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik has denied that the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) commander they met with recently was from a group cultivated by the TNI (Indonesian military) and the Polri (Indonesian police).

Reiner Brabar, Jayapura – The Papua People's Petition (PRP) as the group responsible for the simultaneous actions with the principle agenda of rejecting revisions to the Special Autonomy Law (Otsus) on Papua, opposing the planned creation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua and calling for a referendum in West Papua, read out the following

Jakarta – The Papua People's Council (MRP) says that a Coordinating Ministry for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs (Kemenko Polhukam) deputy told them that the creation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua is to narrow the space for the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Movement (TNPB-OPM) to move.

Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta -– The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) enacted three draft laws on the creation of three new provinces in Papua at a plenary meeting on Thursday June 30, namely, South Papua, Central Papua and the Papua Highlands.

Jakarta – On Friday May 20 President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo invited political figures from Papua and West Papua provinces to an audience at the Bogor Presidential Palace in Bogor city, West Java.
During the meeting, they discussed a number of issues including the creation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua.

Yance Agapa, Paniai – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid is asking the government to halt the planned gold mine at Wabu Block in Intan Jaya regency, until there is agreement from the Papua indigenous people in the area.

Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – Papua People's Council (MPR) Chairperson Timotius Murib has questioned a claim by Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD that 82 percent of Papuans agree with the creation of new regions in Papua.

Jakarta – The Humanitarian Coalition for Papua says that the unilateral creation of three new provinces in Papua by the central government is like repeating the management model of Dutch power during the colonial era.

Fajar Pebrianto, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia has responded to a protest action held by the Jakarta Red-and-White Militia (Laskar Merah Putih, LMP) in front of its offices. The protest was held in relation to recent problems which are occurring in Papua.

Jakarta – Papua Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) Director Emanuel Gobay says that hundreds of Cendrawasih University (Uncen) students took to the streets on Tuesday March 8 to hold actions opposing the creation of new provinces in Papua.

Jayapura – The International Coalition for Papua (ICP) has released its latest report on human rights violations in Papua between July and September 2021.

Jakarta – Lawyer and Papua advocate Veronica Koman has criticised the House of Representatives (DPR) and the government for ratifying the Special Autonomy (Otsus) Law on Papua, saying that the law only represents the interests of the government.