Jakarta – Dozens of people calling themselves the Sidoarjo Youth Movement (GPS) held a protest action at the Sidoarjo National Land Agency (BPN) offices on Thursday January 30 to highlight the case of 656 hectares of sea area with right to build (HGB) certificates in the Sidoarjo Sea
Documents containing the term 'Nusron Wahid'

Jakarta – It has been revealed that a number of sea areas in Indonesia are recorded has having right to build (HGB) permits and land ownership certificates (SHM) after the polemic over the sea fence off the coast of Tangerang regency surfaced and came into the public spotlight.

Adil Al Hasan, Agung Sedayu, Jakarta – The Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) believes that there has been a potential violation of the law related to the issuance of land rights certificates for sea areas where the sea fence off the coast of Tangerang regency, Banten, was erect

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka national campaign team (TKN) has gathered together a number of activists and victims of the 1997-98 abduction of pro-democracy activists ahead o

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The University of Indonesia Political Studies Centre (Puskapol UI) has warned that efforts to mobilise village officials for political support in elections is one of the leadership styles practiced by the New Order regime of former president

Aditya Revianur, Jakarta – The chairperson of the Anshor Youth Movement (the youth wing of the Islamic mass organisation Nahdlatul Ulama), Nusron Wahid, says that the government does not need to acknowledge past gross human rights violations, particularly the humanitarian tragedy in 1965-1966.

Marcellus Hernowo – As well as celebrities and family members of core political party leaders, the provisional list of legislative candidates that will take part in the 2009 general elections also contains a number of 1998 student movement activists.