Hadi Sutanto dan Dipo Negoro – President Prabowo Subianto accompanied by Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka inaugurated the ministers and deputy ministers of the new Red and White Cabinet for 2024-2029 at the State Palace in Jakarta on Monday afternoon, Octo
Documents containing the term 'PBR'

On Wednesday August 9, Arah Juang organised a discussion on the theme "The Prabowo-Budiman Meeting and the Political Transformation of Ex-PRD Activists".

Jakarta – The Star Reform Party (PBR) is positioning itself as a religious party that is ‘socialistic’, by not accentuating religious symbols, but rather with a substance that sides with marginal groups. Such a position has not yet been taken up by any other Islamic parties.

Novia Chandra Dewi, Jakarta – The 2009 legislative and presidential elections are within sight. Thirty eight national political parties are registered to contest to fight for the people’s votes. But it is estimated that only 10 parties will end up with seats in Senayan (the House of Representatives).

Jakarta (Dtc/Lampost) – The Star Reform Party (PBR) is continuing to select presidential candidates who are suitable for support at its convention.

Ronald Tanamas, Jakarta – The Star Reform Party (PBR) is now looking and seeking out who is the appropriate presidential candidate for it to support in its coming convention.

Oppose the 2009 elections of the political elite – an election of the human rights violators, capitalists, corruptors and opportunist!

Hery Winarno, Jakarta – The image of the Justice and Prosperity Party (PKS) appears to be starting to fade. At least this what can be read from the results of a survey conducted by the National Survey Institute (LSN), which found that the PKS occupies fourth place among the political parties considered to be most Islamic.

M. Husni Nanang, Jakarta – Dita Indah Sari, the former (sic) general chairperson of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas), who is a legislative candidate for the Star Reform Party (PBR), believes that the comment by Ade Daud Nasution, who stated that the PBR has shifted in a communist direction, has no basis.

Hestiana Dharmastuti, Jakarta – House of Representatives (DPR) legislative member Ade Daud Nasution has been dismissed from the house and his membership of the Star Reform Party (PBR) revoked. Despite this however, Nasution has responded calmly to the move.

Hadi Santoso, Jakarta – The retreat of key cadres to other parties has left the Labour Party overwhelmed in its attempts to compose a list of legislative candidates.

Marcellus Hernowo – As well as celebrities and family members of core political party leaders, the provisional list of legislative candidates that will take part in the 2009 general elections also contains a number of 1998 student movement activists.

During the era of Suharto’s New Order regime, People’s Democratic Party (PRD) activists were very popular. The socialist based organisation was known as a group of young people who resisted Suharto. During the era of reformasi however, they have been unable to find a place for themselves and remain unpopular.

Jakarta – The Star Reform Party or PBR has signed a Minimum Commitment with the Indonesian Poor People’s Union (SRMI), which will be used to bind the PBR into struggling for the people’s interests if they win the 2009 general elections.

Jakarta – The chairperson of the National Liberation Party of Unity’s (Papernas) advisory board, Dita Indah Sari, has decided to run as a legislative candidate under the Islamic based Star Reform Party (PBR).

Laurencius Simanjuntak, Jakarta – Around 70 housewives went to the Star Reform Party (PBR) offices on Jl. Abdullah Syafei in Tebet, South Jakarta today to challenge PBR general chairperson Burzah Zarnubi to sign a social contract supporting the poor.

Laurencius Simanjuntak, Jakarta – It appears that the phenomena of ‘changing cloths’ is becoming commonplace in the lead up to the 2009 general elections.

Pekanbaru – Around one thousand farmers attended the opening of All Indonesian Farmers and the National Peasants Union (STN) Extraordinary Congress that was held at the Bukit Square in the Senapelan sub-district of Pekan Baru on Wednesday June 25. The event started at around 2pm.

Jumadi, Makassar – The elections for mayor and deputy mayor in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar is heating up. An activist from the South Sulawesi Indonesian Poor People’s Union (SRMI), Wahidah Baharuddin Upa, has declared that she will nominate himself to enliven the Makassar municipal electoral contest.

Indah Surya Wardhani – The West Java election of regional heads, which looks set to be won by Ahmad Heryawan and Dede Yusuf, indicates that the voting patterns of traditional voters had changed significantly.