Medan – A team from the North Sumatra Committee for the Safety of Journalists (KKJ Sumut) and Kamisan (Thursday Action) activists are urging the North Sumatra regional police (Polda) to investigate First Corporal (Koptu) HB over the alleged premeditated murder of
Documents containing the term 'PFI'

Satia, Medan – An online journalist, Sukandi Ali, suffered serious injuries after being abducted from his home and assaulted by three Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) officers in North Maluku.

Rifat Alhamidi, Bandung – Journalists from four organisations in Bandung, West Java (Jabar), held a demonstration at the Vanda Park on Thursday August 31. In their demands, they condemned the violence by police during a clash between police and Dego Elos residents on August 14.

Jakarta – The press community is calling on Indonesian police chief (Kapolri) General Idham Azis to revoke Article 2d of Kapolri Decree Number: Mak/1/I/2021 on Obeying the Prohibition on Activities, the Use of Symbols and Attributes and Halting the Activities of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Timika – Thousands of workers in Mimika, West Papua, commemorated International Labour Day or May Day by demanding that the Indonesian government immediately resolve the problems at the PT Freeport Indonesia (PFI) gold and copper mine.