Dika Moehammad – "In our lives, there is only one thing we have, that is courage. If we don't have that, then what is the value of our lives?" This was a statement by Indonesia's foremost author Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The problem of courage or guts is what we don't have today.
Documents containing the term 'SPRI'

Mulyono Sri Hutomo – The Campus Employees Union (SPK) took part in commemorating 100 years of Pramoedya Ananta Toer at an event titled A Century of Pramoedya Ananta Toer at the Taman Ismail Marzuki arts and culture centre in Jakarta on Saturday Fe

Every nation has its own literary treasures in its national language. The entirety of national literature, along with other artistic works, contains and reflects the history of the development of a nation's national personality and the battles that occurred in that history.

Bandar Lampung – Commemorating International Labour Day or May Day, around 600 workers from various different trade unions took to the streets of Bandar Lampung in South Sumatra on Wednesday May 1.
The workers concentrated at three points in the city: the Adipura Monument, Saburai Enggal Park and the Korpri North Teluk Betung Park.

Imperialist America is again attacking Venezuela after earlier enacting sanctions and an economic blockade as well as financially supporting maneuvers by the right-wing opposition

Hanif Mustafa, Bandar Lampung – The Adipura Monument in the South Sumatra city of Lampung was suddenly packed with hundreds of protesting works all wearing red.
The workers, who came from the Lampung People’s Struggle Centre (PPRL) were holding a peaceful action to commemorate International Labour Day (May Day) on May 1.

20 years of reformasi: A reminder of the need to win what has yet to be achieved by reformasi – freedom, equality and prosperity.
Long live the workers! Long live the people!
May 1 is symbolic of our struggle against the tyranny of capital and employers who oppress the working class.

On April 19-20, representatives from some 42 organisations gathered in Jakarta to take part in the People’s Movement Conference (KGR).

Hanif Mustafa, Bandar Lampung – International Women’s Day (IWD) in the North Sumatra city of Bandar Lampung was commemorated in a number of different ways.

Jakarta – A people’s conference titled Fighting Criminalisation and Wining Democracy (Lawan Kriminalisasi dan Rebut Demokrasi) was held at the Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH Jakarta) offices in Central Jakarta on April 9.

The Indonesian People’s Center of Struggle (PPRI) has re-launched the Women’s Struggle Committee of the People (KPPR, Komite Perjuangan Perempuan Rakyat), which had begun to die down over the last few years, to coincide with the momemntum of commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) which for the last 100 years has been commemorated on March

Jakarta – Two hundred demonstrators from the Women’s Struggle Committee of the People (KPPR) held a march to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD) from the Horse Monument in front of the Indosat building to the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Tuesday March 8.

Jakarta – Rejecting Government Regulation (PP) Number 78/2015 on Wages, the Fraternity of Indonesian Muslim Workers (PPMI) together with the United People’s Committee (KPR) launched a national resistance movement on Tuesday November 24, which was marked by a convoy action.

Moh. Ilyas, Jakarta – The inauguration of Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) as the new governor of Jakarta was marked by a protest action by residents who have been affected by evictions for city development programs.

Jakarta – The Draft Law on Regional Elections (RUU Pilkada), which abolishes the direct election of regional heads and was successfully enacted into law (UU Pilkada) by the parties backing Prabowo Subianto’s Red and White Coalition (KMP) is a threat to democracy.